Brand Innovations for Ubiquitous Authorship 2
I ll show a new piece “Forgot your password?” at Eva & Franco Mattes’ ‘stolen’ show at Carroll/Fletcher next month. (See also where Artie has ‘stolen’ the concept from before ;))) Nice press release! I took the liberty to OCR it into machine readable format below. (NOT EDITED!!! 🙂
i ;_56<57 Eastcastle St
London WIW sso
Exhibition: Brand Innovations for Ubiquitous Authorship
Date: m2 23 April - 11 May, 2013
Opening reception: 3Fhursday-19-July-2012-,-6-8pm Monday 22 April, 8:30 - 9pm
Carroll/Fletcher and Eva and Franco Mattes present Brand Innovations
for Ubiquitous Authorship, a group show of anists whose works frequently challenge
traditional notions of object production and material constraint.
For this exhibition each artist was asked to produce an object using a custom printing or fabrication
service. These services, such as CafePress and Zazzle, exist to provide users a cost-effective way of
producing fully customized products, from t-shirts to iPhone cases, and a host of other objects-
custom 3D printing from companies like Shapeways, full printed books from companies like Lulu, &c.
These services have arisen as the result of increasing consumer demands toward customization and
print-on-demand objects, offering a venue for traditional “self expression” to be imprinted onto
commonplace goods. As the tools for image creation and dissemination have become increasingly
democratized, these services attempt to expand this domain into the realm of objects. They are used
here to transform images from a plethora of authors into a mass of commodities.
Higher-Pietu+es Carroll/Fletcher has not seen a single piece in this show as of the writing of this news
release. We expect this backwards approach to be filled with highs, lows, and hopefully more than a
few transcendent successes. The result will be a gallery of art, artifact and artifice.
For further information wnmct . +44 (0)20 7323 6111
Participating artists andwriters include:
Annabelle Arlie Brian Khek
Andreas Banderas Martin Kohout
Aram Bartholl Bryan Krueger
Body by Body Lindsay Lawson
Chris Coy Jaakko Pallasvuo
Christofer Degrér Jon Rafman
Nick DeMarco Sean Raspet
Constant Dullaart Rafael Rozendaal
Andreas Ervik Borna Sammak
Matt Goerzen Oliver Sutherland
Aaron Graham Daniel Temkin
Toby Huddlestone Brad Troemel
Parker Ito Artie Vierkant
Justin Kemp Andrew Norman Wilson
Exhibition concept stolen from Artie Vierkant's show by the same title.