Locative Media Pacman
Interesting post by Jonah on MAKE blog.
Pacman game path arranged into audio tape
This project, “Nam June Paik Man” by Irish artist, Ivan Twohig, is an homage of sorts to Korean artist Nam June Paik, where Twohig employs the technique used by Paik of running a tape head over recorded audio tape to produce sounds. The difference is that Twohig’s tape is arranged in the labyrinth shape of a game of Pac Man he played and the recorded audio is from the game as well, so you can literally follow the path the artist took around the game and listen to it as well.. Pretty cool way to re-imagine video games through physical interfaces. Ivan Twohig Projects
I like that. And it s not only game art but in some sense aslo a locative media art project. Looks like a typical GPS city sound walk. 🙂