Sandbox Berlin – Pics
Sandbox Berlin workshop last week was great fun. Before we started I gave a lecture on Second Life sandbox phenonemon at NewBerlin flaggstore at brand new Alexa shopping center. Tobias an Jan have a great off space within this bizzar shopping mall. The following 2 days we were busy building a series of different geometrical objects relating to Second Life sandbox. The formerly part of Berlin Wall is a classic non defined space and perfect spot to create a Sandbox. We had many interesting conversations and reactions with people from the neighbourhood. I also took the opportunity to put up my Google map pin from project Map which I still had in my inventory 😉
It’s fun to see how objects are moved or manipulated over the night. The yellow cube became a house with a “door” and four “windows” in the first night. I am curious for the result on sunday.
Gino who is living next to the sandbox offered me to reuse the sandbox wood after the exhibition for his 100 meter, 4 tracks slotcar racing track he is setting up with some friends. Perfect transformation for theSandbox Berlin.
Sandbox exhibition is still running till sunday 14.10.07. Don’t miss it.
All the pics of Sandbox Berlin on flickr.