
DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms „Das digitale Bild“

7. – 9. July 2022
Talk, Online, München, Marburg

At the fifth conference of the priority program “The Digital Image”, which will take place in Marburg and online from July 7 to 9, 2022, we would like to devote ourselves to this aspect in detail and map various positions, illuminate approaches, and address problems. What is the relationship between the two cultural variables of art and science in the digital? What role do visualizations of abstract program codes play and what do we learn from looking into the black box AI? What are the historical implications of the genesis of the digital in the mathematical sciences, starting with the founders of computer science Alan Turing and John von Neumann? How do artists use specific properties and attributes of the digital image and how do they expand the creative possibilities or even the concept of art?

Are algorithms to be considered only as a tool for art, or are new kinds of cultural aesthetics emerging? Does the digital image change creative production, or should it rather be seen as a communication tool for artists?

The conference will provide an opportunity to look at exemplary phenomena and to compile descriptions, analyses and theses. The aim is to identify intersections from different disciplines and at the same time to reflect current research discourses from a new point of view. Details on the transdisciplinary projects of the first funding period can be found on our homepage:


Alexander Galloway
Rosa Monkman
Hell Gette
Aram Bartholl
Helena Nikonnle
Nathalie Bredella
Michae Rottmann
Bernhard Dotzler
Roland Mever
Christi Baur
Felicitv Tattersall
Pah Erdmann
Pamela Scorzin
T. L. Cowan
Tilman Baumgärtel
Andy Donaldson

Full conference program