Aram Bartholl
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Original Google Street View car Germany (2006 - 2008, last seen in Berlin Oct. 2009)

Fake Google Street View car by F.A.T. Lab during Transmediale Berlin 2010


How to build a fake Google Street View car
urban intervention by artist group F.A.T. Lab,
February 2010

by Aram Bartholl, James Powderly, Evan Roth, Randy Sarafan, Geraldine Juarez, Greg Leuch, Jamie Wilkinson, Magnuss Eriksson, Tobias Leingruber

The Free Art & Technology Lab was nominated for the Transmediale Award 2010. During its presence at the festival F.A.T. members produced a series of Google critical projects on- and off-line. The public intervention with a fake Google Streetview car became the most distinctive piece of the series and evoked numerous reactions in the city and online. More details on the Google topic week and the full manual on 'How to build a fake Google Street View car' can be found here:

Dimensions: 190 x 110 x 145 cm

Materials: (x1) PVC tubing 11 cm diam. - 140 cm (main pole) (x2) wooden boards 100 x 16 x 2,5 cm (base) (x1) wooden board 130 x 30 x 2,5 cm (base) (x2) wooden poles 3 cm diam. - 130 cm (diagonals) (x2) wooden poles 2 cm diam. - 100 cm (lower diagonals) (x2) wooden board 55 x 55 x 1 cm (octagon) (x2) wooden board 40 x 30 x 1 cm (center box) (x2) wooden board 40 x 23 x 1 cm (center box) (x2) wooden board 28 x 230 x 1 cm (center box) (x6) big sheets of 2mm card board(x16) L-brackets (x1) container craft glue (x1) hot glue gun (x1) roll of double-sided tape (x1) 50 meter roll of white duct tape (x1) can of black paint (x1) paint brush (x3) black spray paint (x2) white spray paint (x1) big sheet of black reflective vinyl (x10) M8 x 50 bolts (x10) M8 nuts (x50) selection of wood screws (8 m) steel cable (x8) cable crimps (x4) cable tensioners (x8) eye hooks (x2) Google street view signs (x1) roof rack


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