Aram Bartholl
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books / prints

'Hello World!' solo, Kasseler Kunstverein, Sept-Oct 2013

at Carroll / Fletcher, London. May 2013

In summer 2012 the social network got hacked and lost its whole user database. A few months later parts of the decrypted password list surfaced on the Internet. These eight volumes contain 4.7 million LinkedIn clear text user passwords printed in alphabetical order. Visitors are invited to look up their own password.

8 volumes, hardcover,
21 x 27 cm, ca. 800 pages each

shown at:

'Private Password' , 77 x 60 cm, lambda print, alu-dibond. acryl,

ca. 12.000 LinkedIn passwords,

at XPO Gallery, Paris "Retweet if you want more followers" solo, May - June 2013

'Private Password' ,
77 x 60 cm, lambda prints, alu-dibond. acryl,

Each holding 10.000 LinkedIn passwords printed in courier new 8pt, in order of decryption. shown at XPO Gallery, Paris during "Retweet if you want more followers" May - June 2013

cc Some rights reserved. All content on this webpage is licensed under Creative Commons license by-nc-sa 3.0 . Aram Bartholl 2017