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How To Vacuum Form
performance / installation / multiple

Video stills

Darth Fawkes

How To Vacuum Form - installation
dimensions: 3 x 5 x 3,50 m
material: guy fawkes mask, guy fawkes mask copies, white, guy fawkes mask transparent, polysterol, plaster, hose, hose connectors, clamps, vacuum hand pump, toaster, wooden board, rods, stop watch, cutters, cutting mat, black pens, photo album, table, wooden pole, How To Vacuum Form - 720p HD video, 6:13 min

How To Vacuum Form - transparent mask multiple
dimensions: 23 x 33 x 14 cm
material: 2mm transparent polysterol, vacuum formed

How To Vacuum Form - Darth Fawkes multiple
dimensions: 26 x 29 x 23 cm
material: 2 mm black polysterol, vacuum formed + Lucas Arts helmet, acryl, black

How To Vacuum Form - performance
Visitors of the show can make a free copy of a guy fawkes mask, 1mm polysterol white. Optional the mask can be cut or customized with color pens.

More pics on flickr

cc Some rights reserved. All content on this webpage is licensed under Creative Commons license by-nc-sa 3.0 . Aram Bartholl 2017