Aram Bartholl
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Jump and Run Shanghai
workshop and public intervention

pic by Simon de Bakker

More pics on flickr.

[Deutsche Textversion nicht vorhanden.]

"Urban Space, Time to Play" was the title for a workshop program setup by V2 Lab for the eArts Festival “Urbanized Landscape” Shanghai 2008 .

During four worshop days two public interventions were developed by a group of 10 chinese media and design students. After some intense days of discussing, translating and testing the interventions where performed in public space in front of the South Railway Station Shanghai. "Jump'n Run Shanghai" is a physical reenactment of the video game Super Mario and "QQ PaperChat" is a paper based version of the popular chinese chat service QQ. Due to a missing permission these interventions were stopped by the police.

Personal Statement

Aram Bartholl 2008

eARTS festival Shanghai 18.-22.10.2008


Thanks to all the workshop participants.
Thanks to the eARTS team: especially to Iris Huang, Xuan Xuan and Chen.
Thanks to V2 Lab: Michel van Dartel, Simon de Bakker, Anne Nigten and Alex Adriaansen.

cc Some rights reserved. All content on this webpage is licensed under Creative Commons license by-nc-sa 3.0 . Aram Bartholl 2017