Archive for February, 2008
Good news! Just go a letter from Stiftung Kunstfonds
(german state art funding institute) with a confirmation for a working grant for 2008! Congratulations to all other46 artist who will receive the same grant.
“Windows Real”
At Pechakucha Berlin Johannes P. Osterhoff showed his interface art at Tape gallery yesterday night. He is also teaching at Merz Akademie Stuttgart where he and his students created this fun movie last summer on the perfect WindowsXP desktop hill near Stuttgart. :-)
„I.R.A.S.C. Infrared light against surveillance cameras”
A simple DIY infrared headlight disturbs surveillance cams. I like this very simple but efficient idea. Any proposals for daylight non-IR cams?
The artists U.R.A. / FILOART will present this project tomorrow during Pechakucha night Berlin volume 8. See you there!
Pechakucha vol.8
20:20 h
at Tapegallery
“Infrared light against surveillance cameras” is an infra-red device working as a protection shield from infra-red surveillance cameras. Everybody can rebuild this device without special technical skills.
I-R.A.S.C. is a device giving every citizen a reliable protection from governmental security measures. I-R.A.S.C. is security against security and therefore a response to the dissymmetry of the forces between state and individual. Instead of showing and interaction among human-beings, or between man and machine.
I-R.A.S.C. demonstrates an interaction among machines. This is part of absurd situation – while the time and effort invested into protection measures aims at the alleged safety of the citizens, the individual looses importance in this safety concept.
Pechakucha #07 talk
Press update
I finally managed to collect all press articles of the last 2 years and updated my press section. Most of the print articles are german.
Ariel started the blog on which he is sharing his beautiful do-it -yourself every-day-life projects. The light bulb is great and I also love the pencils.
Interview on 01blog
Video cast interview on Cebit by Johnny Häusler german
blogger who visited me in my workshop last monday.
“Inspired Lisbon”
I am showing “Chat” and giving a talk tonight at the design conference “Inspired Lisbon F.A.Q – Future asked questions” at beautiful Palácio Valadares in sunny Lisboa. :-)
By the way, I am not a designer which they claim in the program. (or maybe, am I? hehe)
"Liberate your avatar"
The public screen installation “Liberate your avatar” by Paul Sermon was part of the arts and events programme for the Manchester Urban Screens Conference 12.-14.10.2007
Check out the movie documentation here.
via Mirjam, thx!
"Missing Image" limited multiple
My friends Jan and Tobias from NewBerlin hosting an art festival in Second Life on Friday 15th Febuary 2008. More than 35 artists are in the exhibition showing all kinds of projects in the virtual center of Berlin.
Part of the exhibition is my project “Missing Image“. As a limited mutiple signed and numbered, 12 real life custom produced Missing Image shirts are available exclusively represented through 12 numbered boxes for sale at 50.000 Linden$ here at NewBerlin in Second Life.
Go for the real! See you on friday.
Exhibition related real life events:
15.2.08 16-18 Uhr: Statens Museum for Kunst, Kopenhagen
(Sølvgade 48-50, 1307 København)
15.2.08 18 Uhr: Directors Lounge, Berlin