I met Christian some years ago during a conference on location based services „The Story of mobile Experience“ in munich. Since then we had a lot of interesting conversations because we both work/worked in mobile/web-business and in art. Christian Wiener and Stefan Plessner a.k.a www.meshes.org did a nice series of works and installations in the field of mobile computing and image recognition. Beside „Re: Mirrir test“ I also do like the voice tag project (video) a lot.

Re: Spiegeltest from meshes on Vimeo.

The installation entitled Re: Spiegeltest (Re: Mirror test) looks very simple at first glance. An elongated box positioned openly in the room is affixed with a mirror at each end. The mirrors are manipulated in such a way that the mirror image of the viewer is superimposed over a projection of a second image, a digital portrait, which comes from the inside of the box. Together, the two create digitally exaggerated phantom images. Like the distorted images in chambers of mirrors, these phantom images also have an ambivalent effect. The viewer is initially incredulous and irritated, yet he also goes along playfully with the fascinating offer of a new interpretation. He attempts at first to recognize the familiar mirror image, the visual expression of his individual self. In a chain of comparative reflections, he also explores the new and different in a gradual process. … continue