Happy new year everyone!!  One of my New Year Resolutions is to get more active on this blog again. ‚Sorry I haven t posted …‘ 😉
The anual congress by Chaos Computer Club germany (#28C3, the 28th year) last week was great. I had a lot of fun with a new piece in progress there and as ususal many interesting dicussions. Cory Doctorrows talk on ‚The coming war on general computation‘ turned out to be the unofficial keynote. 🙂 He draws a very good picture how closed hardware will affect the freedom in computation. Check it out below!

Check all talk recordings at https://www.youtube.com/28c3 or direct and torrent downloads at FEM. I also recommend How governments have tried to block Tor or Politik hacken

In a Pecha Kucha Lightning talk I present Dead Drops on day 3!