
I am not a Robot

16. September – 27. November 2022
Gruppenausstellung, Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest

I am not a Robot. On the Borders of the Singularity.

As a harbinger of the (supposedly) imminent arrival of the Singularity, the exhibition explores the powerful impact of technological development on our daily lives.

One of the defining global phenomena of our time is digitalisation, which has transformed human life in an evolutionary leap over the past decades, rewriting centuries of fixed habits, forms and behavioural patterns. The digital turn is still ongoing, with our lives moving from offline to online, and the digital presence growing rapidly. Digital technology in its current state is a new normativity that is part of work and life: not an enemy, not a friend, but a natural part of life…

Memo AKTEN, BarabásiLab, Aram BARTHOLL, Katriona BEALES, BINAURA (NAGY Ágoston & SAMU Bence), BIRKÁS Mona, BIRÓ Dávid, Zach BLAS & Jemima WYMAN, James BRIDLE, Arvida BYSTRÖM, Juan COVELLI, Jake ELWES, FÜLÖP Szabolcs, Fabien GIRAUD & Raphaël SIBONI, Neil HARBISSON & Pol LOMBARTE, Vladan JOLER & Kate CRAWFORD, KÚTVÖLGYI-SZABÓ Áron, Lawrence LEK, Cristina DE MIDDEL, Joana MOLL, PÁLL Tamás, Wilfredo PRIETO, SoniLab (Marco Buongiorno Nardelli), ZÁMORI Eszter

Curators: KÉSZMAN József, MAJ Ajna, NOLASCO-RÓZSÁS Lívia, ÜVEGES Krisztina
