„Export to world“
Export to world is a beautiful project by Linda Kostowski and Sascha Pohflepp which was part of a series of Second Life workshops I organized for Second City at Ars Electronica 4.-11.9.2007.
Visitors could buy objects from Second Life for Linden$ (converted to €) in Real Life at the Second City Shop – Ars Electronica. But in fact they got a DIY self papercraft sheet of the 3D object from which they had to create the real paper object themselves. The project relates to the fact that it is not possible to copy protected objects in Second Life. But exporting them to world overides this protection. We had a lot of fun papercrafting Second Life items at Ars!
Check out all the nice objects they made available, download a PDF, print and build your own bubble gum machine! (this pic is not a photoshop!!!)
link www.exporttoworld.net
Very similar project „No Matter“ will take place during the promising Mixed Realities Symposium 7-8.2.2008 curated by Jo-Anne Green from Turbulence