WoW Exhibition
I am showing the piece „WoW“ at the exhibition „WoW: Emergent Media Phenomenon“ Laguna Art Museum, US
June 14 – October 4, 2009.
I’ll run the workshop and performance on 11th of July and will give a lecture on 12th at at Laguna Art Museum.
Today Zeng Han will talk about his work, would love to join. I like his cosplay style SOUL STEALER photo works a lot! (Pic on the left)
Participating artists:
Aram Bartholl (Berlin); Jorg Dubin (Laguna Beach); Alexander Galloway (New York); Jacqueline Goss (New York); Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn, Tale of Tales (Ghent, Belgium); John Klima (Lisbon, Portugal); Cyril Kuhn (Los Angeles); Antoinette LaFarge (Irvine); Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski (Berlin); Robert Nideffer and Alex Szeto (Irvine); Airyka Rockefeller (San Francisco); Eddo Stern (Los Angeles); The Third Faction (Azeroth); and Zeng Han (Guangzhou)