Should a 3D-space/game be part of a web-page, embedded like metaplace below or should the 2D content (browser) be part of the 3D space like in Secondlife below? Will there ba a protocol or platform which could connect all these separated 3D worlds out there (VRML didnt make it)?
Sure, games want to be capsuled in a specific atmosphere and for that reason they mostly run in standalone full screen mode. But I would love to be able to drop by at any kind of virtual space/game with a single click without installing a new client or game. I want my interface and controls to be the same everywhere. I want to be able to walk my Hubbo Hotel character in WoW….
An overview of Second Life and its competitors
The Top 10 Money-Making MMOs of 2008
I think it’s hilarious how people in SL simulate real life with all its imperfectness.