Laufende Termine

Urban Art Biennale

26. April – 10. November 2024
Biennial, Völklinger Hüttte, Saarbrücken

Decoding the Black Box

27. January – 2. June 2024
Gruppenausstellung, Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen

Die Ausstellung Decoding the Black Box bringt Künstlerinnen und Künstler zusammen, die Licht in diesen dunklen Raum und die Prozesse werfen, die sich in ihm ereignen. Sie legen dabei nicht nur die Funktionsweisen digitaler Technologien wie beispielsweise von künstlicher Intelligenz offen, sondern visualisieren zugleich die Auswirkungen, die sie auf unsere Wahrnehmung von Realität und unser In-der-Welt-Sein haben. Während sie die ökonomischen und machtpolitischen Strukturen der digitalen Technologien und insbesondere des Internets transparent machen, zeigen sie Gegenentwürfe für eine dezentralisierte, humanere und demokratischere Nutzung ebendieser auf.


Vergangene Termine

Killyourphone workshop

13. April 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Stitch Incoming!!

25. March 2024
Curatorial, Speed Show at Web Cafe, Athens

Monday 25th of March, 7:00 PM at Web Cafe, Eptanisou 40, 113 61 , Kypseli – Athens

!Mediengruppe Bitnik with Selena Savić & Gordan Savičić , Ingrid Hideki, Joanna Bacas, Kyriaki Goni, Maria Mavropoulou, Marina Gioti, Marsunev, Nadja Buttendorf, Theo Triantafyllidis

Curated by Aram Bartholl & Socrates Stamatatos

Speed Show lands in Greece, the country of souvlaki, the sun (yes we can claim that they originated a celestial body), ouzo, feta, an enormous financial debt. Currently, Greece is also trending for all the wrong reasons namely, gentrification, queerphobia, state crimes and more dystopic incidents.
As 2024 unfolds, we find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of confusion, bombarded with a cacophony of online horrors to consume, an attention span further abbreviated by TikTok’s algorithm and the barrage of incoming stitches.

Stitches Incoming serve as a conduit for creators to engage and converse, traversing from one topic to the next. They have evolved into a new social fabric, weaving connections within an ever-shifting digital and physical landscape while also serving as a testament to personal and collective traumas, both past and present.

What unites the participating digital artists? Perhaps everything and nothing simultaneously… Departing from the traditional Speed Show setup, where artworks are carefully stacked inside internet cafe computers, and drawing inspiration from the structure of TikTok stitches, each piece seems to propel the conversation forward, or perhaps uses the next as a springboard for its own narrative.

Stitch this and stitch that, we have everything you ever wanted (maybe) ! Are we stuck in an infinite loop of sh*tposting, valuable content, the highlight of social issues, personal and interpersonal experiences?
Maybe! Come and find out…

More info on Speed Shows at

Killyourphone workshop

23. March 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Killyourphone workshop

9. March 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Blog Archiv für Monat: März 2016

Regeneration Movement

März 8, 2016

國立臺灣美術館│National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
Exhibition Dates: 2016-03-19 ~ 2016-05-22
The development of new technologies and the resulting electronic products, continuously inspire the human imagination for life in the future. The application and consumption of electronic technology has gradually and unconsciously mired us in the logic of commerce and the cycle of innovation and outdatedness. Technological products become obsolete and are replaced at an increasing rate, creating a severe problem of electronic waste. “Waste” is a relative concept that leads us to contemplate how values are formed and abandoned. The process by which value is transformed and rediscovered is what the exhibition seeks to explore.
With the re-creation of electronic waste in daily life as a starting point, the artists participating in this exhibition are like contemporary alchemists who distill renewed value and significance from discarded objects. In biological terms “regenerate” refers to a process of reconstruction, recovery, and growth; this exhibition tries to extend this definition to its aesthetic connotations. How do new media artists who use technology as a creative medium respond to, query, and inspect the ethical issues of contemporary technology through their work? A state of global crisis has been created by the rapid pace of resource consumption, continued production, and discarding. When all aspects of contemporary life has in effect been constructed by that intimate union of technology and capital, human beings find themselves dependent upon nature as they simultaneously attempt to alter it. What future of peaceful coexistence between nature and technology can artists envision? The “Regeneration Movement” goes beyond the reutilization and repair of reclaimed objects, and hints at possibilities for correction, adjustment, and re-innovation in the multiple relationships and contexts between humans and the material environment, nature, and technology.
With the “Regeneration Movement” as a purport, this exhibition presents the creative rendering and contemplations of 16 different groups of artists along two main trajectories: “Transformation and Recycling: the Power of Circulation,” and “Hybridity and Symbiosis : Ecological Imagination from an Interdisciplinary Perspective “Transformation and Recycling” attempts to loosen the preset functional contexts of electronic logic that recreate new technological rules to reverse passive consumption and production settings, and to liberate the intended functions of objects; while simultaneously re-excavating preexisting histories and memories of media. “Hybridity and Symbiosis” brings out possibilities for reversed resource discovery and energy conversion with the fusion of interdisciplinary methodology of art, design, the sciences and imaginative experimental projects; and even portending a direction for future evolution and proffer possibilities for a sustainable coexistence with the environment.“Regeneration Movement” revisits the balanced and circular relationship among technology, human beings and the nature, in an effort to find possible indications for a sustainable co-existence future in the dynamic and intertwined network of our living systems through artistic perspective.
Participating Artists:
Aram Bartholl
CHENG Hsien-Yu
CHI Po-Hao
Gilberto Esparza
Benjamin Gaulon, Gijs Giskes, Karl Klomp, Tom Verbruggen
Kosuke IKEDA
Cecilia Jonsson
Luxury Logico
SEAD (Space Ecologies Art and Design)
Kentaro TAKI
Unknown Fields Division
WANG Lien-Cheng
Pinar Yoldas
FAN Hsing-Yu


März 8, 2016

Exposition : FROM BITS TO PAPER* du pixel au papier, sortez des écrans !
Le Shadok, Fabrique du Numérique
8.3. – 5.6.2016
Artistes exposés : James Bridle, Darko Fritz, Peter Jellitsch, Vincent Broquaire, Aram Bartholl, Clément Valla, Christopher Baker, Albertine Meunier, Daan Van Den Berg, Felix Heyes et Benjamin West.
Commissaire d’exposition : Filipe Pais
Partenariat : XPO ART Studio

Nervous Systems

März 8, 2016

Julien Prévieux, Patterns of Life (still), 2015

Nervous Systems

Quantified Life and the Social Question
March 11–May 9, 2016

Opening: March 10, 7pm
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Contributions and works by Vito Acconci, Timo Arnall, Mari Bastashevski, Grégoire Chamayou, Emma Charles, Mike Crane, Arthur Eisenson, Harun Farocki, Charles Gaines, Melanie Gilligan, Goldin+Senneby, Avery F. Gordon, Laurent Grasso, Orit Halpern, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Ben Hayes, Douglas Huebler, Tung-Hui Hu, On Kawara, Korpys/Löffler, Lawrence Liang, Noortje Marres, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Henrik Olesen, Matteo Pasquinelli, Julien Prévieux, Jon Rafman, Miljohn Ruperto, RYBN.ORG, Dierk Schmidt, Nishant Shah, Eyal Sivan & Audrey Maurion, Deborah Stratman, Alex Verhaest, Gwenola Wagon & Stéphane Degoutin, Stephen Willats, Mushon Zer-Aviv, and others. And in The White Room: Jacob Appelbaum & Ai Weiwei, Aram Bartholl, Tega Brain & Surya Mattu, James Bridle, Julian Oliver & Danja Vasiliev, Veridiana Zurita, and contributions by Open Data City, Peng! Collective, Privacy International, Share Lab, Malte Spitz, and others.
An exhibition by Haus der Kulturen der Welt in collaboration with the Tactical Technology Collective, co-curated by Stephanie Hankey, Marek Tuszynski, and Anselm Franke.
Nervous Systems takes place as part of 100 Years of Now. Supported by Open Society Foundations and Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.

Keep away from children

März 5, 2016

‚Keep Away From Children‘ by Nadja Buttendorf & Aram Bartholl, 2016