Laufende Termine

Urban Art Biennale

26. April – 10. November 2024
Biennial, Völklinger Hüttte, Saarbrücken

The World In My Hand

18. April – 31. October 2024
Gruppenausstellung, Alexanser Tutsek-Stiftung, München

The World in My Hand explores the smartphone as both object and aesthetic inspiration for artistic creation. It comments on public debates surrounding the many uses of smartphones: from always-on media consumption to digital detox, from swiping and matching to ghosting and blocking, from language atrophy to information overload, from resource depletion to status symbol.

The curators, Dr Jörg Garbrecht and Katharina Wenkler, have chosen a narrative approach to the exhibition. In eight chapters, they summarize various aspects and debates surrounding the smartphone, ranging from the launch date of our daily digital companion to its characteristic touchscreen and the contractions of time and space it enables. Deeply personal moments – such as Ai Weiwei’s selfie at the moment of his arrest or Sergey Melnitchenko’s photograph of his son during a blackout in Kyiv – appear alongside themes of perception and presentation of the self, as realized in the glass sculpture Stability by Julija Pociūtė. Other subjects include: looking for love online, as in Ariane Forkel’s Casanova’s Kabinett or John Yuyi’s Tinder Match; the complexities and pitfalls of digital communication, for example in the works of James Akers or Alejandra Seeber; and the smartphone as a means of staying in touch during pandemic lockdown isolation, for instance in the work of George McLeod. Edward Burtynsky’s photograph of lithium mines in the Atacama Desert calls attention to the topic of raw materials for electronic devices.

With works by:
Tornike Abuladze, James Akers, Ai Weiwei, Kate Baker, Aram Bartholl, Tillie Burden, Edward Burtynsky, Yvon Chabrowski, Julia Chamberlain, Rachel Daeng Ngalle, Erwin Eisch, Ariane Forkel, Shige Fujishiro, Valentin Goppel, David Horvitz, Artem Humilevskyi, Gudrun Kemsa, Zsuzsanna Kóródi, Brigitte Kowanz, George McLeod, Sergey Melnitchenko, Jonas Noël Niedermann, Julian Opie, Cornelia Parker, Katie Paterson mit Zeller & Moye, Julija Pociūtė, Rebecca Ruchti, Karin Sander, Jeffrey Sarmiento, Alejandra Seeber, JanHein van Stiphout, Jolita Vaitkute, Sascha Weidner, John Yuyi, Jeff Zimmer



Kommende Termine

25 Jahre Stiftung Springhornhof

21. September – 3. November 2024
Gruppenausstellung, Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen

Flussbad Berlin

11. – 30. September 2024
Gruppenausstellung, Roter Saal, Berlin

Vergangene Termine

Killyourphone workshop

13. April 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Stitch Incoming!!

25. March 2024
Curatorial, Speed Show at Web Cafe, Athens

Monday 25th of March, 7:00 PM at Web Cafe, Eptanisou 40, 113 61 , Kypseli – Athens

!Mediengruppe Bitnik with Selena Savić & Gordan Savičić , Ingrid Hideki, Joanna Bacas, Kyriaki Goni, Maria Mavropoulou, Marina Gioti, Marsunev, Nadja Buttendorf, Theo Triantafyllidis

Curated by Aram Bartholl & Socrates Stamatatos

Speed Show lands in Greece, the country of souvlaki, the sun (yes we can claim that they originated a celestial body), ouzo, feta, an enormous financial debt. Currently, Greece is also trending for all the wrong reasons namely, gentrification, queerphobia, state crimes and more dystopic incidents.
As 2024 unfolds, we find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of confusion, bombarded with a cacophony of online horrors to consume, an attention span further abbreviated by TikTok’s algorithm and the barrage of incoming stitches.

Stitches Incoming serve as a conduit for creators to engage and converse, traversing from one topic to the next. They have evolved into a new social fabric, weaving connections within an ever-shifting digital and physical landscape while also serving as a testament to personal and collective traumas, both past and present.

What unites the participating digital artists? Perhaps everything and nothing simultaneously… Departing from the traditional Speed Show setup, where artworks are carefully stacked inside internet cafe computers, and drawing inspiration from the structure of TikTok stitches, each piece seems to propel the conversation forward, or perhaps uses the next as a springboard for its own narrative.

Stitch this and stitch that, we have everything you ever wanted (maybe) ! Are we stuck in an infinite loop of sh*tposting, valuable content, the highlight of social issues, personal and interpersonal experiences?
Maybe! Come and find out…

More info on Speed Shows at

Killyourphone workshop

23. March 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Killyourphone workshop

9. March 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Blog Archiv für Schlagwort: followme

„Follow me!“ docu online

Mai 13, 2008

I still have some badges left over from the „Follow me!“ intervention at the re:publica conference a month ago. Is your Twitter avatar among these buttons? Yes? Then drop by and pic it up.

Full „Follow me!“ documentation with pics, movie and english text is online.

„Follow me!“ on TV

April 15, 2008

3Sat-Neues ueber die re:publica 2008 – Die kritische Masse from netzpolitik on Vimeo.

„3sat Neues“ a german TV magazin on computer, technology and society had a report on re:publica 08 conference where I was performing the „Follow me!“ project. At the end of the clip „Follow me!“ is introduced including a short interview. (german)
“ …ironische Distanz zur digitalen Selbstreferenzialität…“ 🙂

„Follow me!“ pics

April 6, 2008

The „Follow me!“ intervention at re:publica 08 conference was great fun. The german twitter crowd cooperated perfectly, everybody was desperately waiting for their avatar button. Additionally each participant got an A4 sheet with 60 little stickers, for some these wheren’t even enough to mark all the people they do follow on twitter. We produced more than 200 Buttons and 12000 stickers.

Many thanks to Miriam Winkels aka Vogelwarte Twitter / Pisastudio Blog for great assistance.

All pics on flickr.

„Follow me!“ project for re:publica

März 30, 2008

I am preparing a nice little intervention for the german blogger conference re:publica 2.4.-4.4.2008, Kalkscheune, Berlin. Twitter community and all other microblogging users will have the opportunity to wear their profile picture/logo as a button badge. Show your web identity in real life! With small stickers of the same logo users can mark each other as followers on T-shirts/pullovers/laptops.

„Ah, it s you! What’s your nickname again?“
„How many followers do you have? Look at mine!“

I hope it’s going to be fun. More details and thoughts on this group-performance/conference- intervention in german. [To be translated soon.]

update: pic changed

Follow me!

Zeig dich mit deinem Twitterlogo auf der re:publica Konferenz! Sammel jede Menge follower und lass sehen wen du alles kennst!

„Kennen wir uns nicht von Twitter?“
„Ach, Du bist das! Wie ist nochmal dein Nickname?“
„Hattest du nicht letztens noch ein anderes Profilfoto?“
„Und? Wieviel follower hast du schon?“
„Sind die colorwars nicht endlich vorbei?“
„Wo ist Kosmar? Ah, da läuft der rote Besen…“

Das Projekt „Follow me!“ ist eine soziale Intervention und Gruppen-Performance für Konferenzen und Events rund ums Web. In Anlehnung an Microbloggingdienste wie Twitter, Jaiku oder Pownce interagieren die Teilnehmer des Projektes untereinander mit den Symbolen und in den Regeln dieser Social Web Services im realen Raum.

Jeder Teilnehmer bekommt einen Anstecker und mehrere Aufklebern seines Twitter (o.ä.) Profilfotos/-logos. Der Button wird am Hemd/T-Shirt/Pullover getragen und ermöglicht anderen Konferenzteilnehmern „Twitterfreunde“ wieder zu erkennen. Mit den kleinen Profilaufklebern können sich die User dann gegenseitig als Follower/Freunde auf dem T-Shirt „eintragen“. Ganz im Stile von Twitter entsteht ein grosses Wer-Followed-Wen-Spektakel mit jeder Menge face-to-face Interaktion.

Ein wichtiges Element bei allen Social Web Plattformen, insbesondere aber bei den Microbloggingdiensten ist das Profilogo des Users. Das Profilfoto, welches normalerweise ein Portrait des Nutzers zeigt avanciert zum quasi Markenzeichen des Users. Bei der Nutzung von Twitter und Co. erscheint zu jeder Kurznachricht eines Users das jeweilige Profilfoto im Webinterface. Da die User sich nicht unbedingt persönlich kennen, nimmt das wiederkehrende Bild, in Verbindung mit den geschriebenen Nachrichten eine zentrale Funktion als Interpretations- und Projektionsfläche ein. Auf diesem schmalen Kanal der Kommunikation entsteht ein Netzwerk von Bekanntschaften, die auf digitaler Ebene eine reale Verbindung eingehen.

Wie beeinflusst das Social Web Beziehungen zwischen den Menschen? Auf welcher Ebene, der digitalen oder der physischen lernen sich die Menschen wie kennen? Wie stellen sich User im Netz dar und wie werden sie dort wahrgenommen?

Aram Bartholl 2008