hurt me plenty - by vinciane verguethen -1022
hurt me plenty - by vinciane verguethen -1032
hurt me plenty - by vinciane verguethen -0996
All pictures:
Hurt me plenty
Exhibition: 13th September – 1st November 2014
DAM Gallery, Berlin
7:30: Introduction by Olia Lialina, Professorin New Media at the Merz Akademie Stuttgart.
In his solo show Aram Bartholl exhibits a new series of works inspired by the questions and developments engaging humankind’s ‘entry’ into the digital realm and the role of the first person as ‘shooter’. Bartholl deconstructs stereotypes about pixel imaging with unique large-scale works that are subtly combined with a series of pieces about issues of privacy, surveillance and net neutrality. With this exhibition, Bartholl proposes a new discourse that challenges the current debates about surveillance versus the seemingly antiquated ideas and images of ‘cyberspace’.
