The project “WoW” is a workshop and a performance. I did this piece with a group of 14 people at the ‘The Game is up’ festival at Vooruit (unfortunately no english version of theirs website) in Gent, Belgium in feburary this year.
“We are presenting a festival ‘the game is up! – about breaking rules and changing codes. we are inviting artists with very different backgrounds: theatermakers, performars, musicians and media-arts to present them in a 10day festival with performances, talks and an exhibition.”
Vooruit is a really big Arts Centre in a beautifull old building originally based in music, theater and performance but opend up to media art some years ago. The curators Eva de Groote and Tom Bonte doing a great job and they have a very friendly, proffessional and well organized team. I had a very good time there and I am very happy about the outcome of the project. Thanks to Greg Young who filmed the action and did the editing.
For everybody who haven’t seen the documentation yet find some pictures on flickr and a quicktime – or youtube movie below.