[First released on F.A.T.]
1. Curate a show, make a call or invite your friends to show their works.
2. Announce the show all over the internetz!
3. Go to your local Internet shop and rent all machines they have.
4. Exhibit for one night screen based pop.net.art in your city!
Go for it! It’s an open format! Let’s meet up in your local shop!
SPEED SHOW manifest here

SPEED SHOW vol.1 TELE-INTERNET from Aram Bartholl on Vimeo.
The first SPEED SHOW vol.1 : TELE-INTERNET last Friday was a great success!
We had many more (and even ‘important’!) visitors than expected. The shop owners were totally surprised but loved it (and made the deal of the year :-). Since I didn’t post any links in advance I have the pleasure to publish now the four sheets of printed program(!) including statement for each piece and links below. Check the announcement including SPEED SHOW manifest and curatorial statement here.
Pics by Kuc, thx! All pictures on fflickr

Friday 11th of June 2010, 21:00 – 00:00
Kottbusser Damm 103, Berlin
Participating artists:
Material: HTML, embedded screen capture video,720×486 px,
Jon Cates (US) 2010
MOAR!!! MAKE PAPER DANCE GIF GLITCHEEESSS is the reaction to a Twitter conversation with three friends on a single day. Jon Cates who is well know for his digital punk / raw bytes – style remixed a webpage which was already a reply to a first post by another friend. In the multitude of layers of the content from his friends animated gifs turn into actual video, color pixel into xerox dirty b/w and the audio results in abstract noise.
Nervous News
Material: HTML, iframe
Constant Dullaart (NL)
Nervous News is a new unreleased piece from Constant Dullaart’s series of website modifications of major famous websites on the Internet like Google or BBC News. By loading the BBC page through an iframe with its very own quality the page itself appears to become a person with emotional an condition . The moving iframe was already applied in the work “The Internet says no“ or “The Internet says yes“ (user reply) a.o.
Education of the Noobz
Material: HTML, mp3,ogg, flac, paypal
Dragan Espenschied (DE)
Contemporary Home Computer Music by Dragan Espenschied
Dragan Espenschied is well known for his radical and consequent 8-bit music compositions for many years. His new music site Noobz represents a highly differentiated mix of plain HTML, amateur page style, custom music player interfaces and sophisticated code hidden in the upper layers.
Material: Youtube video comments
Thumbing is an ongoing Youtube intervention. The option to video comment on a Youtube video is used by the artists group JODI as a tool for performance. By holding up the thumb very close to the webcam for a 2-3 second moment the video-site monopoly gets infiltrated by an endless series of useless ‘pokes’. The performance itself is split into thousands short clips on random Youtube videos. The blurred and flesh colored video bits evoke again harsh reactions from the actual audience on Youtube.
Material: HTML, user content, php, fflickr,
Geraldine Juarez (MX)
The project Kopyfamo by Geraldine Juarez offers a web interface to upload images to which then watermarks of well known press agency are added. The initial idea of the watermark to protect and devalue the image by inserting a brand logo is inversed by Juarez’s approach. A lot of water marked pictures of VIPs and famous pop stars can be found at AFP, Getty and Reuters. The watermark in the picture grants importance to the portrait person. By adding a watermark to his/her own picture the user gains instant celebrity status in Juarez’s interactive piece.
Web****** (unreleased piece)
Material: Firefox addon, java script
Tobias Leingruber (DE)
Tobias Leingruber is well known for the Artzilla-platform (artzilla.org) where he collects and curates artistic Firefox browser addons. Webmarker is his own latest unreleased FF addon creation which turns every web page into a canvas for steet-art like tagging . “Mark the web and anyone can see it!! The Webmarker Firefox Add-on allows you to draw or take notes on any webpage. Activate “Street Mode” and find the drawings of others while browsing the web. The Webmarker FF Add-on is fully integrated into 000000book.com, a service for GML based projects.”
Material: HTML, java, animated gifs
Olia Lialina (RU) Dragan Espenschied (DE)
The classic zoom and pan interface from Google maps is turned into a firework of amateur gif animations. The symbolic loaded cross on a black background turns from its calm pixel state into a wild animation of little smileys, flowers and hearts on every single touch by the mouse. The hidden beauty of a world Internet monopoly company’s slide interface. Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied are unbeatable experts for the amateur culture of the web since many years. (‘Digital Folklore’ reader recommended)
Material: Embedded screencapture, 720p, 8h of unfriending
Moddr [Walter Langelaar (NL), Gordan Savicic (AT), Danja Vasiliev (RU)]
With a very precise super timing Moddr started the webservice Suicide Machine in fall 2009. Facebook has fallen very deep since then and a wide discussion on social networks and privacy is going on currently in the mainstream media. The mix of highly professional appearance and sarcastic video credentials makes the project a sophisticated unmissable statement in the era of privacy violating and direct marketing driven social network monopolies.
Material: HTML
Johannes P Osterhoff (DE)
“People find me in Facebook too easily and many start to use Facebook instead of e-mail. As I do not like this at all and as I do not want to enter the gated community of Facebook everyday, [….] Old acquaintance seem to query my name in Google, find the entry of Facebook and contact me there without checking my website or using the contact possibilities of good ol’ e-mail. So I created a very simple web-page which also shows up in Google search results and looks very similar to the result of Facebook there. I called it Fakebook.”
Animated Gif Mashup – Dance Sequence #001
Material: HTML, php, java and loooong URLs
Evan Roth
A Customizable gif mashup engine. Pop meets gif meets rap. Evan Roth works represent a highly sophisticated mix of net, open source and pop culture. In his often very minimalistic web based pieces he picks up elements from all these sides. Besides the elaborate visual mix plus music the Dance Sequence #001 unfolds its full beauty in the very long URL which is caused by the simplistic concept of arranging independent animated gifs in a single line of browser adress.
Material: HTML, Java
Ralph Schulz aka rgb3000 (DE)
Super free draw is a strikingly minimalistic and at the same time socially elaborate collaborative drawing platform. All user can draw on the endless big digital canvas anonymoulsly with a one pixel wide black pen. It is not possible to erase what you have drawn and your creation is not protected for being altered or misused by other users. In a moment of great relief Super Free Draw detaches social web rules and creates a radical almost physical experience of collaboration.
You’re Not My Father
Material: HTML, embedded video 720×480 px
Paul Slocom (US)
“This video project is composed of a sequence of recreations of a 10 second scene from the television show, Full House, overlaid with a set of sound loops from the scene’s original music. The crews who re-shot the scene were recruited through Internet message boards and Craigslist, and each of the original 10 crews were paid $150, using a commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., for Networked Music Review. The project included participants from Austin, Cincinnati, Chicago, Dallas, Denton, London, and San Francisco….”

Participating artists:
MOAR!!! MAKE PAPER DANCE GIF GLITCHEEESSS (for Jodie Mack, Jon Satrom & Nick Briz)
Material: HTML, embedded screen capture video,720×486 px,
Jon Cates (US)
MOAR!!! MAKE PAPER DANCE GIF GLITCHEEESSS is the reaction to a Twitter conversation with three friends on a single day. Jon Cates who is well know for his digital punk / raw bytes – style remixed a webpage which was already a reply to a first post by another friend. In the multitude of layers of the contend from his friends animated gifs turn into actual video, color pixel into xerox dirty black and white and the audio results in abstract noise.
Nervous News
Material: HTML, iframe
Constant Dullaart (NL)
Nervous News is a new unreleased piece from Constant Dullaart’s series of website modifications of major famous websites on the Internet like Google or BBC News. By loading the BBC page through an iframe with its very own quality the page itself appears to become a person with emotional an condition . The moving iframe was already applied in the work “The Internet says no“ or “The Internet says yes“ (user reply) a.o.
Education of the Noobz
Material: HTML, mp3,ogg, flac, paypal
Dragan Espenschied (DE)
Contemporary Home Computer Music by Dragan Espenschied
Dragan Espenschied is well known for his radical and consequent 8-bit music compositions for many years. His new music site Noobz represents a highly differentiated mix of plain HTML, amateur page style, custom music player interfaces and sophisticated code hidden in the upper layers.
Material: Youtube video comments
Thumbing is an ongoing Youtube intervention. The option to video comment on a Youtube video is used by the artists group JODI as a tool for performance. By holding up the thumb very close to the webcam for a 2-3 second moment the video-site monopoly gets infiltrated by an endless series of useless ‘pokes’. The performance itself is split into thousands short clips on random Youtube videos. The blurred and flesh colored video bits evoke again harsh reactions from the actual audience on Youtube.
Material: HTML, user content, php, fflickr,
Geraldine Juarez (MX)
The project Kopyfamo by Geraldine Juarez offers a web interface to upload images to which then watermarks of well known press agency are added. The initial idea of the watermark to protect and devalue the image by inserting a brand logo is inversed by Juarez’s approach. A lot of water marked pictures of VIPs and famous pop stars can be found at AFP, Getty and Reuters. The watermark in the picture grants importance to the portrait person. By adding a watermark to his/her own picture the user gains instant celebrity status in Juarez’s interactive piece.
Material: Firefox addon, java script
Tobias Leingruber (DE)
Tobias Leingruber is well known for the Artzilla-platform (artzilla.org) where he collects and curates artistic Firefox browser addons. Webmarker is his own latest unreleased FF addon creation which turns every web page into a canvas for steet-art like tagging . “Mark the web and anyone can see it!! The Webmarker Firefox Add-on allows you to draw or take notes on any webpage. Activate “Street Mode” and find the drawings of others while browsing the web. The Webmarker FF Add-on is fully integrated into 000000book.com, a service for GML based projects.”
Material: HTML, java, animated gifs
Olia Lialina (RU) Dragan Espenschied (DE)
The classic zoom and pan interface from Google maps is turned into a firework of amateur gif animations. The symbolic loaded cross on a black background turns from its calm pixel state into a wild animation of little smileys, flowers and hearts on every single touch by the mouse. The hidden beauty of a world Internet monopoly company’s slide interface. Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied are unbeatable experts for the amateur culture of the web since many years. (‘Digital Folklore’ reader recommended)
Material: Embedded screencapture, 720p
Moddr [Walter Langelaar (NL), Gordan Savicic (AT), Danja Vasiliev (RU)]
With a very precise super timing Moddr started the webservice Suicide Machine in fall 2009. Facebook has fallen very deep since then and a wide discussion on social networks and privacy is going on currently in the mainstream media. The mix of highly professional appearance and sarcastic video credentials makes the project a sophisticated unmissable statement in the era of privacy violating and direct marketing driven social network monopolies.
Material: HTML
Johannes P Osterhoff (DE)
“People find me in Facebook too easily and many start to use Facebook instead of e-mail. As I do not like this at all and as I do not want to enter the gated community of Facebook everyday, [….] Old acquaintance seem to query my name in Google, find the entry of Facebook and contact me there without checking my website or using the contact possibilities of good ol’ e-mail. So I created a very simple web-page which also shows up in Google search results and looks very similar to the result of Facebook there. I called it Fakebook.”
Animated Gif Mashup – Dance Sequence #001
Material: HTML, php, java and loooong URLs
Evan Roth
A Customizable gif mashup engine. Pop meets gif meets rap. Evan Roth works represent a highly sophisticated mix of net, open source and pop culture. In his often very minimalistic web based pieces he picks up elements from all these sides. Besides the elaborate visual mix plus music the Dance Sequence #001 unfolds its full beauty in the very long URL which is caused by the simplistic concept of arranging independent animated gifs in a single line of browser adress.
Super Free Draw
Material: HTML, Java
Ralph Schulz (DE)
Super free draw is a strikingly minimalistic and at the same time socially elaborate collaborative drawing platform. All user can draw on the endless big digital canvas anonymoulsly with a one pixel wide black pen. It is not possible to erase what you have drawn and your creation is not protected for being altered or misused by other users. In a moment of great relief Super Free Draw detaches social web rules and creates a radical almost physical experience of collaboration.
You’re Not My Father
Material: HTML, embedded video 720×480 px
Paul Slocom (US)
“This video project is composed of a sequence of recreations of a 10 second scene from the television show, Full House, overlaid with a set of sound loops from the scene’s original music. The crews who re-shot the scene were recruited through Internet message boards and Craigslist, and each of the original 10 crews were paid $150, using a commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., for Networked Music Review. The project included participants from Austin, Cincinnati, Chicago, Dallas, Denton, London, and San Francisco….”