Current Events

Urban Art Biennale

26. April – 10. November 2024
Biennial, Völklinger Hüttte, Saarbrücken

The World In My Hand

18. April – 31. October 2024
Group Show, Alexanser Tutsek-Stiftung, München

The World in My Hand explores the smartphone as both object and aesthetic inspiration for artistic creation. It comments on public debates surrounding the many uses of smartphones: from always-on media consumption to digital detox, from swiping and matching to ghosting and blocking, from language atrophy to information overload, from resource depletion to status symbol.

The curators, Dr Jörg Garbrecht and Katharina Wenkler, have chosen a narrative approach to the exhibition. In eight chapters, they summarize various aspects and debates surrounding the smartphone, ranging from the launch date of our daily digital companion to its characteristic touchscreen and the contractions of time and space it enables. Deeply personal moments – such as Ai Weiwei’s selfie at the moment of his arrest or Sergey Melnitchenko’s photograph of his son during a blackout in Kyiv – appear alongside themes of perception and presentation of the self, as realized in the glass sculpture Stability by Julija Pociūtė. Other subjects include: looking for love online, as in Ariane Forkel’s Casanova’s Kabinett or John Yuyi’s Tinder Match; the complexities and pitfalls of digital communication, for example in the works of James Akers or Alejandra Seeber; and the smartphone as a means of staying in touch during pandemic lockdown isolation, for instance in the work of George McLeod. Edward Burtynsky’s photograph of lithium mines in the Atacama Desert calls attention to the topic of raw materials for electronic devices.

With works by:
Tornike Abuladze, James Akers, Ai Weiwei, Kate Baker, Aram Bartholl, Tillie Burden, Edward Burtynsky, Yvon Chabrowski, Julia Chamberlain, Rachel Daeng Ngalle, Erwin Eisch, Ariane Forkel, Shige Fujishiro, Valentin Goppel, David Horvitz, Artem Humilevskyi, Gudrun Kemsa, Zsuzsanna Kóródi, Brigitte Kowanz, George McLeod, Sergey Melnitchenko, Jonas Noël Niedermann, Julian Opie, Cornelia Parker, Katie Paterson mit Zeller & Moye, Julija Pociūtė, Rebecca Ruchti, Karin Sander, Jeffrey Sarmiento, Alejandra Seeber, JanHein van Stiphout, Jolita Vaitkute, Sascha Weidner, John Yuyi, Jeff Zimmer



Upcoming Events

25 Jahre Stiftung Springhornhof

21. September – 3. November 2024
Group Show, Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen

Flussbad Berlin

11. – 30. September 2024
Group Show, Roter Saal, Berlin

Recent Events

Killyourphone workshop

13. April 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Stitch Incoming!!

25. March 2024
Curatorial, Speed Show at Web Cafe, Athens

Monday 25th of March, 7:00 PM at Web Cafe, Eptanisou 40, 113 61 , Kypseli – Athens

!Mediengruppe Bitnik with Selena Savić & Gordan Savičić , Ingrid Hideki, Joanna Bacas, Kyriaki Goni, Maria Mavropoulou, Marina Gioti, Marsunev, Nadja Buttendorf, Theo Triantafyllidis

Curated by Aram Bartholl & Socrates Stamatatos

Speed Show lands in Greece, the country of souvlaki, the sun (yes we can claim that they originated a celestial body), ouzo, feta, an enormous financial debt. Currently, Greece is also trending for all the wrong reasons namely, gentrification, queerphobia, state crimes and more dystopic incidents.
As 2024 unfolds, we find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of confusion, bombarded with a cacophony of online horrors to consume, an attention span further abbreviated by TikTok’s algorithm and the barrage of incoming stitches.

Stitches Incoming serve as a conduit for creators to engage and converse, traversing from one topic to the next. They have evolved into a new social fabric, weaving connections within an ever-shifting digital and physical landscape while also serving as a testament to personal and collective traumas, both past and present.

What unites the participating digital artists? Perhaps everything and nothing simultaneously… Departing from the traditional Speed Show setup, where artworks are carefully stacked inside internet cafe computers, and drawing inspiration from the structure of TikTok stitches, each piece seems to propel the conversation forward, or perhaps uses the next as a springboard for its own narrative.

Stitch this and stitch that, we have everything you ever wanted (maybe) ! Are we stuck in an infinite loop of sh*tposting, valuable content, the highlight of social issues, personal and interpersonal experiences?
Maybe! Come and find out…

More info on Speed Shows at

Killyourphone workshop

23. March 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Killyourphone workshop

9. March 2024
Workshop, Transmediale exhibition hosted by Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin

14:00 – 16:00

Killyourphone is an open workshop format. Participants are invited to make their own signal blocking phone pouch. In the pouch the phone can’t send or receive any signals. It is dead! This workshop was run for the first time at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg end of 2013.

Blog Archive for Tag: talk

Technology Off Screen

October 1, 2020

Aleksandra Domanovic talking about an original robot arm from Yugoslavia of the 70’s.

Vienna Contemporary

Sunday, 27 September 2020, 1:30-2:30 pm

ArtTech Talk: Technology Off Screen

Artists are increasingly using new techniques and materials that address our relationship to a technological world. Artist Aleksandra Domanovic emerged with work that directly addressed a screen context with her collaborative project before establishing a largely sculptural practice that incorporates 3D printing and ideas around the use of technology and biological innovations. Aram Bartholl is a Berlin-based conceptual artist whose work unpicks the digital and the physical in inventive ways.

Aleksandra Domanovic, artist
Aram Bartholl, artist
Moderated by Francesca Gavin, art theorist, curator and writer


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Online, Offline and all-over the city

May 7, 2015

re:publica 2015 - Tag 3
pic by re:publica/Jan Zappner
picture by Gonvalo Forte (Thx for uploading this to the I had running on stage :)))

Talk: Online, Offline and all-over the city
Thursday, May 7, 2015 – 13:45 to 14:15 conference, Berlin
“Art projects with and about the Internet, computers and society! Aram Bartholl will present an overview of his past , often site-specific works and projects including USB ‘DeadDrops’ (they caused a lot of alarm lately) , IRL ‘Map’ marker or ‘KILLYOURPHONE.COM’ mobile phone blocking pouches. ”
Slides & LINKS! ->

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My talk at CCC congress

January 2, 2014

My talk at 30C3 congress in Hamburg last weekend. You can find all recordings of all talks also here Good stuff!

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ADP Lecture Series

November 26, 2012

I ll give a talk on Wednesday afternoon, November 28 at UCLANADP Lecture Series

The ADP Lecture Series is an exciting and dynamic yearly guest-lecture programme which invites internationally distinguished designers, artists, performers and theorists to engage with and inspire students, staff and researchers both within and outside of the University of Central Lancashire.

ADP Lecture Series 2012-13

Location, Identity and Reality in the Digital Age


The lecture series presents a fantastic opportunity for undergraduates, postgraduates and professionals to engage first-hand with the ideas, practices and concerns of renowned creative practitioners in a way that brings together areas of art, design and performance, stimulating debate and provoking critical dialogue.
A total of eight lectures* will take place on afternoons throughout the 2012/13 academic year, each one featuring a different guest speaker.

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“me you and everyone we know is a curator”

December 16, 2009

Upcoming saturday I’ll present my work at this symposium. If you happend to be in Amsterdam drop by chek it out …
A symposium about quality in an age of visual overload
While museums are developing strategies to digitalise their collections, online cultural production is growing steadily, with hundreds of thousands of new images posted each day. A lot of potentially interesting work is being produced online, which never reaches the physical world. The distribution of this high quality work is increasingly decentralised, leaving museums, foundations and professional magazines at a loss on how to redefine their role as gatekeepers. On the other hand, the time spent daily behind the computer on internet networking is pushing the demand for a physical experience of our fleeting culture. Designers, artists, mediators and policy makers need to redefine their position, because new technologies define to a large extent today’s possibilities and means of presentation and archiving. The search is for new quality criteria, new frames of references, and alternative methods for enabling connections between the virtual and the physical space of today’s culture.
Venue: Paradiso, Weteringschans 6, Amsterdam
Entrance: €25, €10 (students)
Pre-sale : AUB Ticketshop Amsterdam, Ticket Service Nederland
Language: English

Program Saturday December 19th 2009
10.00    Doors open
10.25    Mieke Gerritzen: Welcome
10.30    Bruce Sterling: Envisioning tomorrow’s digital culture
11.15    Julia Noordegraaf: Performing archival material online
11.35    Sarah Cook: Curatorial strategies for online artistic production
11.50    Coffee break
12.05    Rick Poynor: Design criticism in the blogosphere
12.35    Sophie Krier: me you and everyone we know is a curator
12.45    Metahaven: Visual identity in the age of digital standards
13.00    Lunch break
14.00    Andrew Keen: Digital Vertigo: selecting talent in the age of social media
14.45    Aram Bartholl: Online visual culture in physical space
15.00    Dagan Cohen (Upload Cinema): Bringing web films to the big screen
15.15    Willem Velthoven (Mediamatic): Please try a new search to see less results
15.30    Coffee break
15.45    Henk Oosterling: Introduction
16.00    Debate on the changing position of policy makers and institutions with representatives
of Dutch funds and museums
16.30    Drinks
Moderator: Koert van Mensvoort (artist/scientist)
Visual Interventions: Sander van der Pavert (LuckyTV)
Organization: Graphic Design Museum
Concept: Sophie Krier, Mieke Gerritzen
Design: Metahaven

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Talk at Weissensee

November 8, 2009

I’ll give a talk at the Art School Weissensee Berlin tomorrow.  Prof. Barbara Junge runs a “Virtual/Real” course within the Visual Communication department this semester and invited me to show my work.

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“Art in the age of digital distribution”

July 3, 2009

Sounds very interesting! Unfortunately I won’t be in Berlin that day.

art in the age of digital distribution

kunst unter den verhältnissen digitaler distribution

artist talk at newthinking store

künstlergespräche bei newthinking

how has the internet changed art? how about artists? is there a diversification of art forms, places, practices, and theories that has accompany the rise of the net? is art something to be open sourced, or does it come from a tradition of openness? in 1936, walter benjamin wrote about the ways in which mechanical reproduction had altered the very idea and spirit (aura) of art. to re-imagine that essay, what is the work of art in age of digital reproduction and global networked culture? wie hat das internet die kunst verändert? und die künstler? gibt es veränderte kunstformen, orte, praktiken und theorien, die die entstehung des internets begleitet haben? ist kunst etwas, das öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden soll, oder kommt die kunst aus einer tradition der offenheit? 1936 schrieb walter benjamin darüber in welcher art und weise die mechanische reproduzierbarkeit die idee und die aura der kunst verändert hat. wenn wir in uns diesen aufsatz wachrufen, was ist dann die funktion der kunst im zeitalter digitaler reproduktion und globaler netze?

branda miller and steve pierce

media-artists, -activists and -organizers, professors and founders of

medienkünstler, -aktivisten und -organisatoren, professoren und gründer von

the sanctuary for independant media

“the sanctuary for independent media” is a telecommunications production facility dedicated to community media arts, located in an historic former church at in north troy, ny. the sanctuary hosts screening, production and performance facilities, training in media production and a meeting space for artists, activists and independent media makers of all kinds. “der zufluchtsort für freie medien” ist eine produktionsstätte für telekommunikation, die freien medienkunstprojekten zur verfügung steht. es ist eine ehemalige, historische kirche in der 6.straße in 3361 nord troy, new york. dort gibt es einrichtungen zur filmproduktion und vorführung, kurse in medienproduktion und freien raum sich zu treffen für künstler, aktivisten und freie medienproduzenten jeder art.

susanne gerber and kathy rae huffman in conversation with branda miller, steve pierce

susanne gerber und kathy rae huffman im gespräch mit branda miller, steve pierce

friday july 10th 2009 7.00 pm

newthinking store tucholskystr. 48 10117 berlin

freitag 10.juli 2009 19.00 uhr

newthinking tucholskystr. 48 10117 berlin

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Upgrade! Berlin presents, Jon Cates

March 21, 2009

I am going to see Jons talk at Art Claims Impulse Berlin tonight. Come and join!

Art Claims Impulse invites Upgrade! Berlin

Saturday 21.03.09, 8pm

Upgrade! Berlin presents, Jon Cates (Chicago)
a selection of his work:

jonCates makes, organises and teaches experimental New Media Art. His projects have been presented internationally at various events in locations such as Beijing, Madrid and Mexico City; nationally in Chicago, New York and Boston and are widely distributed online. Art Games, video, experimental Machinima, Computer Witchcraft, digitalPunk and Noise music are some of the unstable categories that his work playfully moves through.

jonCates teaches in the New Media path of study of the Film, Video & New Media Department at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His research and writings are on Media Art Histories and related subjects. In 2007, he initiated the Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive to archive and freely distribute the Media Art work of Phil Morton and associated research. He writes on these topics for as well as in other online and offline publications.
For more information about Jon please see here:

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Artzilla @25C3

December 29, 2008

During the lightening talks today at 25c3 Tobi-X presented his Artzilla platform and I brievly introduced our (+Evans) ChinaChannel addon. 10 talks of 4:30 min is a very effecient format for presentations.

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60 seconds

June 6, 2008

3Minutes from Steffen Kasperavicius on Vimeo.

Steffen Kasperavicius counts three times 60 seconds layered in one movie. Nice vid!
Thanks for the invitation to Halle Burg Giebichenstein / Werkleitz Gesellschaft, Steffen!

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