Aram Bartholl – Blog

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Archive for April, 2007

Press: TV interview on Second Life

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One of many TV reports on Second Life. A team from RBB TV station here in Berlin did ask me about my opinion on the development of the last year and featured my project “WoW” with a short walk in Berlin Mitte.

RBB Stilbruch, Cultural journal, editor Anna Bilger, March 2007

Written by Aram

April 18th, 2007 at 9:39 pm

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Latest version of “Tree”

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I am still working on the design and form of my upcoming project “Tree”. This is the current design which I like much more than the first one. Now I have to find a way to keep the lightness and transparency.


Installation in Public Space, on schedule autum 2007

The project „Tree“ is an object imported from the 3D online world “Second Life”. The unfinished “virtual” tree becomes part of everyday life in public space….read on

Written by Aram

April 16th, 2007 at 9:39 pm

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Laboral art center opening: Gameworld, Labcyberspace, Feedback

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Laboral is a new art center in Gijon, Spain dedicated to media culture. Before arriving there nobody really knew how big this place was. The goverment of the province Asturias put a lot of money into this project and I am curious how it’ll develop in the next years. I have been invited to the game art show “Gameworld” one of three huge exhibitions which opened all on the same day 30.3.2007. The other two shows are called “Labcyberspace” which is the outcome of a competitionl and “Feedback”. All show are running till 1.7.2007.
I am showing “First Person Shooter”, the DIY glasses and the “WoW” video. As a small WoW performance I did walk my name during the opening . I met a lot of new people and had a really good time. The opening was huge. My favorite project was the “Sheepmarket” by Aaron Koblin in the Labcyberspace show. 10.000 sheep drawn by amazon users, printed on paper are hanging on the wall. Fantasic!

See my flickr pics of all three shows.

More documentations on

– Gameworld: (german), ,
– Labcyberspace:

More Infos:

LABORAL – Centre for Art and Creative Industries

Official Opening: 30.03.2007
Opening Programme

30.03.07 – 30.06.07
Exhibition curated by: Christiane Paul & Jemima Rellie
Curatorial Advisor: Charlie Gere
Exhibition Design: Leeser Architecture

30.03.07 – 30.09.07
Exhibition curated by: Carl Goodman
Associate Curator: Daphne Dragona
Curatorial Advisor: Helen Stuckey
Exhibition Design: Leeser Architecture

30.03.07 – 30.09.07
in two different phases
Exhibition curated by: Francisco Crabiffosse

30.03.07 – 30.06.07
International Open Call.
Jury: Alex Adriaansens, Rosina Gómez-Baeza, Christiane Paul & Gerfried Stocker
Exhibition Design: Quero-Kawamura-Ganjavian

30.03.07 – 01.04.07
Series of panels directed by: José Luis Brea

Other Programmes

23.03.07 – 24.03.07
Organised by Datatrón

31.03.07 – 01.04.07
In collaboration with Eyebeam R&D Openlab
and the Graffiti Research Lab from New York

Written by Aram

April 16th, 2007 at 10:07 am

Magic Arrow

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A friend of mine, Jürgen BNC from met this women in Berlin on the weekend. Rita has a very nice project running called Magic Arrrow.
pic is taken from ritas website

Written by Aram

April 16th, 2007 at 9:20 am

Posted in other projects

re:publica conference

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The blogger conference re:publica was a big success and even made it in the major german news show tagesthemen. I met a lot of people and saw many interesting lectures. Especially Julian Klücklichs lecture on MMOs, dystopia and utopia was very good. Except the typical technical problems my lecture on thursday went very well. The picture shows the Google Map pin which I build for Plazes a while ago at republica.

Written by Aram

April 14th, 2007 at 4:55 pm

Press: tip Campus about “Tree”

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The campus issue Sommersemester 2007 of the Berlin city magazin Tip features my upcoming project “Tree” in this article (german). Thanks to Jacek Slaski the author.

Written by Aram

April 14th, 2007 at 4:01 pm

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Real? fake? or a real fake? Realfakewatches!

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Just imagine, how many watches on the world are fake? I don’t know, but there must be really many. Now everybody has the opportunity to get a real fake watch. It is a very good name for this really beautiful project and product of Linda Kostowski.

Written by Aram

April 13th, 2007 at 9:03 pm

Posted in other projects

Pic of the day: Parasites

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I think it is very symbolic for the time we live in that more and more actually small and tiny electronic devices becoming part of the city scape. Our buildings slowly transform into gadgets.

Written by Aram

April 13th, 2007 at 8:53 pm

Posted in pic of the day

OPENCITY exhibition NYC documentation

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Eyebeam and the Graffiti Research Lab invited me to be part of the exhibition OPEN CITY which took place at Eyebeam in NYC from end of Feburary till mid of April 2007. The subtitle ‘tools for public action’ describes very well the graffiti background of the show which opened up to a broader field of actions in public space. All artists and artist groups did show different kinds documentations and tools of their work. Among some project documentations I had two workshop tables: one where visitors could build their own pair of “First Person Shooter” glasses and a second which served for a “WoW” workshop.

Check out my pictures and all open city tagged pictures of the exhibition on flickr.

Find some more documentation of the exhibition at GRL

Thanks to Evan who edited and posted the “WoW” movie documentation of him and me getting a coffee at Frank’s on 9th avenue.

Thanks to the whole Eyebeam team and to GRL:Evan and James for having me at this great show.

Written by Aram

April 13th, 2007 at 3:37 pm

New project "Tree"

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I am very pleased to announce a new project funded by the department of culture, City of Berlin is planned for September/October 2007. “Tree” is a temporary installation in Public Space. A semi downloaded virtual Tree of Second Life is imported into every day 1st life. More details on the project page of my website.

Written by Aram

April 12th, 2007 at 4:30 pm

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