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Archive for May, 2007


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“Ellipse”, a very beautiful piece by Frederic Geurts in the yard of Voorkamer in 2003. No, it’s not a photoshop. I love this lightness of it. I discovered a poster of this piece during my show last week at Voorkamer.

Written by Aram

May 30th, 2007 at 4:32 pm

Posted in other projects

“WoW” at Voorkamer Lier, BE

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Today I am doing the “WoW” workshop and performance at “Interventions” at Voorkamer Lier,BE. Rik and Peter running interesting shows in this really beautiful old building next to the cathedral in Lier.

“Interventions”, program for 26.05.2007:

17:00 h “WoW” Aram Bartholl Workshop/Performance
18:00 h “The Island” Christian Hasucha Grote Markt Lier.
19:00 h “The German Revenge” Frank Bölter, Grote Markt Lier.
20:00 h Lezing Helmut Dick Heilige Geest site, Heilige Geeststraat 7, Lier.
21:00 h Drinks + food.

H. Geeststraat 7, B-2500 Lier, Belgium

“VOORKAMER is an artist’s initiative concept that was launched by Rik De Boe and Peter Morrens in October 1996 at Lier (Bril 14). VOORKAMER features a range of solo performances of contemporary visual artists from Belgium and abroad, on a yearly basis.

Group exhibitions/projects are moreover organised in various venues as well as teamwork projects with other artists’ initiative concepts. For these specific “extra muros” projects, different exhibition modules are sought such as venues of architectural, historical and/or social interest.”

Written by Aram

May 26th, 2007 at 12:42 pm

Pic of the day: Mitraillette

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A Mitraillette is not a cake. It is a classic Belgium sandwich with fries and burger. I really like the way they serve this stuff here in Brussels.

Written by Aram

May 26th, 2007 at 11:47 am

Posted in pic of the day

Temporary Institute, the "Grid"

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I just visited my good old friend David Helbich who lives and works as an performance artist in Brussels. The picture shows the piece called “Grid” which David, Paul Craenen and Laurent Liefooghe realised at the media center Nadine in Brussels during the “Temporary Institute” they founded for their artist in residence this spring. The space at Nadine is quite big with may different levels. The Grid emerged as a slowly growing second layer of space reaching into every corner of Nadine. Nice project!

David’s pieces for guitar and air-guitar “Hallo 1-2-3-4-5” will be performed tonight at Nadine. All Brussel based people are invited to join.

in concert
on sat. 26/05, 21h00

– Helmut Lachenmann “Salut für Caudwell” (1977) for two guitarists
– David Helbich “Hallo 1-2-3-4-5” (2000-2002) for guitar and air-guitar
– Niels Rønsholdt “Wir I” (2004) for guitar & audio playback
– Kobe Van Cauwenberghe & Matthias Koole, guitars

NADINE /PLATEAU & TANI / Herderstraat 30 rue du Berger / Brussel 1050 Bruxelles”

Written by Aram

May 25th, 2007 at 1:33 pm

Posted in other projects

Pic of the day: Sim

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In Linz, AT I found another marked real Second Life “Sim”.
see 256

Thanks to Carola for showing it to me …

Written by Aram

May 24th, 2007 at 5:13 pm

Posted in pic of the day

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“Speech Bubble” movie and documentation

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The Speech Bubble performance at the party of Plazes last week went very well and it was great fun. Beside some problems to spell words right there were no technical problems. I didn’t even need the second batterie. I edited the video footage some days ago. Thanks again to Ariel for helping me out documenting.

Find more pics, a high res quicktime, full concept and description at the “Speech Bubble” projects page.

Written by Aram

May 23rd, 2007 at 12:17 pm

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GRAFFITI PRINTER, beautiful project by Ariel Schlesinger. I think it’s great that he is using a punch card system to program the machine. nice!

We got to know each other on last tuesday during my 256² intervention where Ariel helped out documenting. Same he did for me day before yesterday during my Speech Bubble performance at the plazes party. nice pics Ariel, vid I’ll still have to edit, thanks a lot!

Written by Aram

May 20th, 2007 at 2:23 pm

Posted in other projects

Designmai: Second Life panel 20.5.07 4pm

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Everybody who is interested in Second Life is invited to join the discussion at the Second Life panel at Designmai this afternoon. Penelists are Florian Schmidt, Matthias Böttger and myself, moderated by Kay Itting.

Second Life day 20.05, 10 – 18:30h
Panel 16:00 h
Spandauer Str. 2,
10178 Berlin

Written by Aram

May 20th, 2007 at 11:19 am

New project "Speech Bubble" at plazes Designmai party

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Everybody is invited to join the plazes party “First Life Extravaganza” tomorrow night. The plazes team is moving to new headquarters on Oranienburgerstrasse/Monbijouplatz and a new version of their service is about to be released.

I will perform a new project called “Speach Bubbles” during the evening. Digital messages posted by visitors will find their way back to them on an analogue real life speach bubble. Be aware of what you are saying. I’ll find you. ;-)

may 18th, 9pm
new headquarters
Monbijouplatz 5

Written by Aram

May 17th, 2007 at 4:18 pm

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GalleryDrive movie

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I posted some pictures two days ago about Niklas’ GalleryDrive. He asked me about the video footage I did during the presentation. Here it is.

Also see posts about this piece by Regine and Jonah

Written by Aram

May 17th, 2007 at 2:57 pm

Posted in other projects