Archive for August, 2010
‘Map’ at Public Art Festival Taipei
Map at Good Time Public Art Festival’ Taipei, Taiwan, will be up for 3 months till November 2010. It came out very well! Great job! Thanks to the building crew and thx to Joanna from VERY for pics and organization. Thanks to Chang-Chih CHEN for the great pictures!
I am about to give an artist presentation at ISEA 2010 ( 1pm today).
But most important the ISEA wifi key on the left. I love them loooooong and printed.
TELE-INTERNET – The 2010 Ars Electronica Internet Shop!
“TELE-INTERNET is an organically growing structure, a hacker space, an (un)conference, a stage, an exhibition, a social performance, Commune 0/1, and a site for anyone who’s interested in discussing the development of the internet, exchanging ideas, and presenting their own projects. Ars Electronica festivalgoers are invited to take the plunge and join the fun, to contribute to the discussion, or to chill out on the couch with a clubmate and a notebook.”
curated by Aram Bartholl , 2010
This event will take place at the media art festival Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2nd-6th of September 2010. TELE-INTERNETrepresents the Prix Ars Electronica category ‘Digital Communities’ of which the CCC – Chaos Computer Club won the 1st prize Golden Nica 2010. The TELE-INTERNET program includes talks, presentations, discussions, panels, work in progress, projects, pop, performance, meetings, art, workshops, screenings and much more. Get full info on the program and on all participants and follow us on #teleinternet
OPEN CALL: If you happen to be at Ars in September and you were interested to give a lightning talk or to squad a table with your project please get in touch with the TELE-INTERNET team.
TELE-INTERNET curated by Aram Bartholl at Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2nd-6th of September 2010
- *Map Kibera*: Mikel Maron (US) [award of distinction]
- *#unibrennt cloud*: institute for science and technology ars (ISTA) of unibrennt (AT) with http://unibrennt.tv [award of distinction]
- *CBA – Cultural Broadcasting Archive*: Ingo Leindecker (AT) , Thomas Diesenreiter (DE), [honorable mention]
- *MakerBot Industries*: Bre Pettis (US); [honorable mention]
- *The Tor Project*: Anonymity online, Andreas Lehner (DE) [honorable mention]
- *Web2.0 suicide machine*: moddr_ [Walter Langelaar (NL), Gordan Savicic (AT), Danja Vasiliev (RU)];[honorable mention]
- *A Golden Era – making and unmaking of Piratbyrån*: Golden bus + archive (SE) 2003-2010
- *Arse Electronica*: talk, monochrom / Johannes Grenzfurthner (AT);
- *Artzilla*: Skate the web! workshops and contests, Tobias Leingruber (DE); 2010
- *DIASPORA*: Maxwell Salzberg (US)
- *Digital Folklore*: Olia Lialina (RU) & Dragan Espenschied (DE); 2009
- *F.A.T. Lab*: Free Art & Technology Lab: Cloud services, Jamie Wilkinson, 2010
- *Firewall Ball*: Johannes P Osterhoff (DE) 2010
- *flattr*: social micropayment platform, Peter Sunde (SE)
- *Metalab Squad of Awesome*: official delegation from the Viennese hackerspace (AT)
- *My last Ars*: live gif mashup – VJ set, Evan Roth (US) 2010
- *OpenActa / AFI*: Geraldine Juarez (MX)
- *Star Wars Uncut*: the movie, Casey Pugh,
- *superbertram*: Georg Schütz (AT) 2007-2010
- *Telecomix*: A sociocyphernetic jellyfish cluster, (SE)
- *Thumbing & FolkSomy.vj*: JODI (NL/BE); 2010
- *Trail Blazers*: Theo Seemann & Beautiful Zeros and Ugly Ones, Merz Akademie(DE); 2010
- *BOSCO-Uganda*, *ceibalJAM!*, *CulturaDigital.Br*, *FixMyStreet*, *Kloop*, *Puncar Action!*, *Sourcemap*, *TEDtoChina*, (honorable mentions of Digital Communities)
- and more and more and more ….
(I love that late GDR post modern Platten style, found across cafe MÖRDER)
0,16 at ISEA
0,16 from Aram Bartholl on Vimeo.
I am showing 0,16 at the ISEA2010 RUHR exhibition. Opening upcoming Thursday 19th at 7 PM. See you there!
20.8. – 5.9.2010
ISEA2010 RUHR Exhibition
ISEA 2010, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Dortmund U, Germany
with: Siegrun Appelt (at), Eve Arpo & Riin Rõõs (ee), Lucas Bambozzi (br), Aram Bartholl (de), BCL (at/jp), Natalie Bewernitz & Marek Goldowski (de), Daniel Bisig (ch) & Tatsuo Unemi (jp), Juliana Borinski (br/de), Martin John Callanan (uk), Işil Eğrikavuk (tk), Verena Friedrich (de), Terike Haapoja (fi), Aernoudt Jacobs (be), Márton András Juhász & Gergely Kovács & Melinda Matúz & Barbara Sterk (hu), Yunchul Kim (kr), Thomas Köner (de), Mariana Manhães (br), Soichiro Mihara (jp) & Kazuki Saita (jp), Krists Pudzens (lv), Christopher Salter (qc/ca), Bill Seaman (us), Saso Sedlacek (si), Mark Shepard (us), Charles Stankievech (qc/ca), Vladimir Todorovic (rs/sg), Bruno Vianna (br), Ei Wada (jp), Herwig Weiser (at), Norah Zuniga Shaw (us).
Map at ‘A Good Time Public Art Festival’ Taipei, Taiwan, opening next week on 20th of September.
‘Map’ in Taipei
I am showing Map at ‘A Good Time Public Art Festival’ Taipei, Taiwan, opening next week on 20th of September. The marker is currently under construction. Nice!
Chairs with tennis socks
This is not art! But it’s a very efficient workaround to keep chairs silent. Love it!
found on Amrum.