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Pic of the day: Media Artist?

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Today I saw this women on Bernauerstrasse carrying a lot of rare technology stuff. Stop! Let’s ask. “Are you a media artist doing some cutting egde fancy mobile art project?” You can hardly see it, but additional to this futuristic antena she carries a big bagpack with another antenna on top. What’s going on? No artist in Berlin could afford an equipment like this, or did Blasttheroy move to Berlin lately?
No, she is not an artist but she is doing her work: Some high accurate GPS mesurement for a new construction site. What I learned from here: There are four additional stationary GPS antenas in Berlin to get a very precise GPS signal, accuracy 1-2 cm, not bad!

update: In the background on the pavement you can see part of a stone strip which marks city wide the former Berlin Wall. Yes, exactly THERE has been the Wall.

Written by Aram

May 3rd, 2007 at 4:00 pm

Posted in pic of the day

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