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Archive for the ‘1H’ tag

Mirror Mirror

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I am showing First Person Shooter and 1H (video & object) at BYU MOA
Mirror Mirror: Contemporary Portraits and the Fugitive Self

Brigham Young University Museum of Art:

October 23,  2009 – May 8, 2010
Opening: Thursday, October 22, 2009 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm

This exhibition explores how we shape our identities and how we seek to change perceptions of ourselves. Works by multiple local and international artists trace the influences of rituals, facades, social media, and the family from various perspectives, in examining what it means to be human beneath the veneers we accumulate in society.

Picture: Mark Khaisman, Ani and Sofie, 2007. Packaging tape on Plexiglas in
light box.

Participating artists:

Kjellgren Alkire
Valerie Atkisson
Aram Bartholl
Dawoud Bey
Rebecca Campbell
Ben Coonley
Doug Dubois
Hasan Elahi
Harrell Fletcher
Douglas Gordon
Mary Henderson
Oliver Herring
Amy Jorgensen
Mark Khaisman
Jeff Larsen
Nikki Lee
Mike McGlothlen
Feng Mengbo
Julie Moos
Takashi Murakami
Julian Opie
Lydia Panas
Rachel Papo
Przemyslaw Pokrycki
Nate Ronniger
Lincoln Schatz
Michael Scoggins
Andrew Sexton
Amy Sillman
Beat Streuli

Written by Aram

October 22nd, 2009 at 1:21 pm

eARTS Shanghai

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I’ll be be part of the workshop “Urban Space. Time to Play” 19th – 22th Oct. next week at eARTS Shanghai. I am looking forward to it and I am curious to test China for some paper based realtime urban adventure action. Stay tuned! More info

Written by Aram

October 16th, 2008 at 11:29 am

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Play 08

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The one-day workshop I gave yesterday at Play08 17.-20.9.08 Potsdam, DE was great fun. The group in my workshop reflected on computer game experience in relation to day to day life. After my presentation the participants were invited to get involved in some paper work. ;-)

Thx for the invitation!
Thx to Philip Preuss for support!

Stay tuned for the Lab08 presentation/exhibtion on Saturday. Lab08 shows existing work and is developing a group piece during the four days of play08.

More pics on flickr.

Lab08 team:

Jonas Hielscher (Köln)

Karin Lingnau (Köln)

Leif Rumbke (Hamburg)

Thomas Hawranke (Köln)

Richard Gutleber (Karlsruhe)

Marek Plichta (Potsdam)

Written by Aram

September 19th, 2008 at 11:21 am

New project “1H” online

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Last week I went to Cologne to show some of my works in a World of Warcraft computer game show on Giga TV. I took the opportunity to present my new project “1H”. For the show I had a shooting downtown Cologne, me walking the first “1H” weapon a paper ripsaw in Public Space.
Thanks for the invitaion Phil!

All pics, details and DIY on the project page.



Written by Aram

March 10th, 2008 at 4:49 pm

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I’ll present my upcoming project “1H” during the monthly “World of Warcraft – special” TV show at Giga Games tonight at 8 p.m. (cet) . For this reason I had a shooting today. Me walking a scale 1:1 WoW-“Ripsaw” in downtown Cologne. It was fun.
More details live …

Tune in at 8 pm on Giga live stream
( mms:// )

[Unfortunately I’ll miss Corys “Upload” book presentation at exactly the same time here in Cologne]

Written by Aram

February 29th, 2008 at 4:26 pm

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