Aram Bartholl – Blog

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Archive for the ‘areyouhuman’ tag


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Are you human?
lasercut metallic coated acryl 3 mm
96 x 62 cm

Aram Bartholl

Written by Aram

July 4th, 2009 at 9:26 am

¿Eres humano?

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Written by Aram

June 19th, 2009 at 4:52 pm

Posted in pic of the day

Tagged with

“Are you human?”

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New project release! Everybody who crossed my path in the last 12 months might have got one of these business cards. Another project which has been in the drawer for a while. “Are you human?” Captcha codes are omnipresent on the web since a while and I loved them from the beginning. In a certain way they tell a lot about our relation to the machine world. And btw, I am waiting for the day when they will be extinct. It’s obvious that software + cpu power will become better in reading these at a certain level. “Hu? … Waht’s that? I can’t read this ….!” And will they return in the era of Blade Runner? ;-)

Enjoy the full story and more pics here!


Written by Aram

June 7th, 2009 at 12:11 am