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Archive for the ‘second life’ tag

Stereoscopy: 3D Second Life Viewer

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Futurelab AEC developed a 3D stereoscopy viewer for Second Life. This installation will be shown first time at Vienna next week 10.8.2007 19h.

I’ve been invited together with Peter Harlander to present a guided Second Life tour on bases of the VRizer technology to the 3D glasses equiped audience.

Got an interesting projet in SL? Let me know so we will drop by…

Invitation PDF

Update: Find pics of the event on flickr

Written by Aram

August 4th, 2007 at 10:15 am

Second City at Ars Electronica 2007

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Ars Electronica invited me as main artist of “Second City” which is part of the festival this year (4.-11.9.07). I am developing a concept and design involving other artists in collaboration. Besides some solo pieces like the “Tree” installation or “Chat” intervention there will be a series of workshops and installations. Most of them are especially developed for 2nd city, some like “WoW” are already known. As the title “Second City” implies metaverses like Second Life are the main topic of this part of the festival. Second City takes place in a deserted shopping street in the center of Linz. Shopping, trading and creating stuff in workshops is one of the undelaying themes in 2nd City. Beside Meatvers related pieces there will be also the the theme exhibtion and more stuff in Marienstrasse.

Artists in collaboration are: Linda Kostowski & Sascha Pohflepp, Eva & Franco Mattes, Joachim Stein, Walter Langelaar, Andreas Lange as well as Jan Northof & Tobias Neiseke and Jürgen Höbarth in the workshop and Second Life support team.

More detailed infos to come….

Second City

This year’s festival is “going public” too before the backdrop of our (involuntary) digital transparency and the (voluntary) relinquishment of our privacy. “We are very intentionally running this “public sphere risk” because this step—going public, going into the public realm—is the only logical and consistent way to approach GOODBYE PRIVACY,” said Ars Electronica Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker. In going about this, urban spaces and infrastructure serve not only as a stage but also as a medium that blends with artistic interventions and, in turn, becomes a message. The epicenter of this “infiltration” is Marienstraße, a street that seems to be a dead zone in the middle of downtown Linz. The prevalence of vacant retail spaces here strongly evokes the atmosphere of a stage set and makes pedestrians feel like they’re walking past the artificial buildings of a virtual city. Ars Electronica will put these premises to use and transform Marienstraße into Second City, into the portal between reality and artificiality. What will be staged here during the week of September 5-11 is not some sort of urban renewal program; rather, this initiative has a strictly transient, virtual character. It is real artificiality and, conversely, artificial reality. The festival’s traditional propagation is thus endowed with a new quality—not just out into the city but throughout the cityscape.

Written by Aram

July 11th, 2007 at 5:54 pm

3D Grattiti

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3D Graffiti is a project of Raplaa Lazarno of LOL Architects Production of Architecture – Unreal Central Perspective 2006 – Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm.
Very nice concept of adding “elegally” objects to builings in Second Life.

Written by Aram

June 19th, 2007 at 5:18 pm

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Second/Real Life movie

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via Tao Takeshi/Mrtopf

Written by Aram

June 18th, 2007 at 1:18 pm

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Second Life at Tesla 14. juni

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For all berlin based Second Life interested people. Chek out the talk/panel at Tesla tomorrow night. Hopefully I`ll have time to come, too.

“do. 14. juni 2007 | 20:30 h

second life 2 – mit jo fabian

jo fabian vermittelt zwischen ‘realer’ und ‘virtueller’ welt.

diesmal werden die möglichkeiten von theater und kunst in einer virtuellen welt diskutiert:
kann man second life als möglichkeit nutzen, ideen plastisch darzustellen und in einer community weiterzuentwickeln? zusammen mit kreativen aus künsten, design und architektur spielerisch und experimentell einen virtuellen raum für kultur schaffen und utopien ausloten, ohne dabei den bezug zum wirklichen leben zu verlieren. als gäste sind geladen:

martina pickhardt, wirtschaftsinformatikerin, arbeitet als selbstständige beraterin im wirtschafts- und kulturbereich. sie war 2003 stipendiatin an der akademie schloss solitude im programm art, science & business. derzeit beschäftigt sie sich im schwerpunkt mit den themen second life und social web.

andreas horbelt ist theaterwissenschaftler und beschäftigt sich seit langem mit den möglichkeiten des theaters in virtuellen welten. er arbeitet als dramaturg und als konzeptioner für multimediale ausstellungsformate, zur zeit hauptsächlich für triad berlin.

stephan lorenz hat ‘freie kunst’ studiert. seit ende der 80er jahre interessiert ihn die verbindung von kunst und interaktivität. seit 1992 arbeitet er als multimedia-konzeptioner und designer in der werbung.
in second life betreibt er über seine kleine agentur lcg-design seit märz 2007 das sim culturegion / design island, um dort erfahrungen für das kommende 3d-internet zu sammeln.”

Written by Aram

June 13th, 2007 at 1:42 pm

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

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At the “Nachtcafe” series of Schaubühne Berlin is tonight a Second Life involving performance “Wonderland” on the program.

Pics of the event on flickr.

Written by Aram

June 8th, 2007 at 5:59 pm

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Connecting first and second life

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Via Joshua Kauffman I found this very interesting talk of Matt Biddulph
about Second Life, rapid prototyping and Arduino boards. His movie about creating objects in Second Life by script is astonishing. Yes i agree, the combination of affordable prototyping printers in the future, growing 3D environments and the popular DIY low tech hack culture will create unforeseen possibilties. It’s going to be fun …

Written by Aram

June 5th, 2007 at 2:35 pm

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Pic of the day: Sim

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In Linz, AT I found another marked real Second Life “Sim”.
see 256

Thanks to Carola for showing it to me …

Written by Aram

May 24th, 2007 at 5:13 pm

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New Project: "Missing Image"

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Three months ago at the Second Life panel during Transmediale 07 I showed this new project “Missing Image”. The missing texture default message of unloadable Second Life clothing is transferred into real life. Find more pics and a detailed description on the projects page here.

If there is somebody ( gallery, designer, fashion label …) interested in coproducing a small series of these shirts don’t hesitate to contact me.

Written by Aram

May 16th, 2007 at 2:02 pm

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New Project: “256²”

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The solution to the 16 meter chalk line is a new piece called “256²”. Although it didn’t stop raining yesterday noon I used almost 64 pieces of chalk to mark the outline of the Second Life Sim NewBerlin (Teleport) around Alexanderplatz Berlin real life. It was a lot of fun. Check out more pics and a detailed description on the projects page here.

See also joachim’s post on this event.

Written by Aram

May 16th, 2007 at 10:31 am

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