Aram Bartholl – Blog

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Archive for the ‘wow’ tag

WoW at Futuresonic

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WoW workshop and performance at Contact Theater Futuresonic was great fun yesterday.

[Btw, Eyebeam R&D fellow Geraldine Juarez a.k.a Jerry does nice work. Check out !]

Written by Aram

May 3rd, 2008 at 11:59 am

Join "WoW" at Futuresonic 2008!

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Join the “WoW” workshop/performance at Futuresonic 2008!

On Friday 2.5.08 during Futuresonic festival I will run the “WoW” workshop which results in a public group performance. If you are interested feel free to register here for the workshop. Places are limited. Free admission. Spread the word!

(picture, VORUIT Gent 2007)

Workshop schedule:

  1. In a papercraft session each participant will cut his real full name from cardboard and mount it on a transparent plastic strip.
  2. Break (fish&chips or coffee).
  3. In a group performance the participants will carry each others names on a fork construction throughout the festival main venue.
  4. Following and presenting person will swap places after desired time.

Friday 2 May.
Workshop: 2pm – 5pm.
Performance from 5:45 pm
Contact Theatre, Oxford Street

Written by Aram

April 20th, 2008 at 4:24 pm


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I like this pic on the Futuresonic webpage art section a lot. It reminds me of something ….hmm… I don’t exactly remember. ;-)

But anyway, come and see! I’ll show three projects: “Chat”, “WoW” and brand new commissioned project “Friends”. It s going to be fun.

See you in Manchester in two weeks!

“Social Networking Unplugged” Futuresonic 2008,
Urban Festival of Art, Music and Ideas. Manchester
1.5. – 5.5.2008

5 days and nights of live music, art premieres, exhibitions, club nights and events featuring a world-class programme of over 300 artists in 30 venues and spaces across the city centre. Futuresonic is an international festival of Art, Music and Ideas now in its 12th year occupying the orbits of both digital culture and music.

Written by Aram

April 18th, 2008 at 9:12 pm


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Collecting experience points while doing the dishes or emptying the dust bin. Hehe, nice idea. Will try that on my shared office workshop space mates.

Written by Aram

March 11th, 2008 at 10:44 pm

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Exhibition “Public Play” Leipzig 07

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“Public Play” took place during the Games Convention Leipzig DE, europe biggest game fair end of August. A nice selection of Game Art pieces involving public space curated by Andreas Lange has been shown at the GC07. “WoW” workshop/performance was part of the show.

Full documentation of “Public Play” on Compter Game Museum Berlin.

Written by Aram

September 20th, 2007 at 10:02 am

We make money … WoW!

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Good friend Mirjam just skyped me this nice picture. Sorry, I had to blog this. I did’t noticed Regine walked her Blog in WoW-Style at 2ndCity – Ars Electronica. Hehe, not bad!

Written by Aram

September 16th, 2007 at 9:22 pm

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Pic of the day: WoW

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Since my project WoW I more aware of this expression. I missed to take a pic of that Microsoft WoW compaign some months ago. Is the term WoW more popular since World of Warcraft became so popular?

Written by Aram

June 7th, 2007 at 11:16 am

Posted in pic of the day

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“Interventions” Lier, BE – pics and movie

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“Interventions” at Voorkamer Lier, BE a week ago was great fun. Christian Hasucha “The Island” was already running for 2 weeks at the Grote Markt Lier. Anybody in the city good rent the island for free and enjoy the view into the city hall and on the market place for some hours. This piece poses the questions of view and beeing viewed. On Saturday 26.05.2007 Frank Bölter with “The German Revenge” and myself with “WoW” has been invited to do workshops and perform in public space. The simplicity of Franks ship and bomb wich he buildt together with a group of organized homeless people was really impressive. The symbolic bomb was dropped from the island on the market place. In the evening Helmut Dick held a lecture about his work in public space. Good stuff!More pics on flickr
High res quicktime movie

Written by Aram

June 4th, 2007 at 1:22 pm

“WoW” at Voorkamer Lier, BE

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Today I am doing the “WoW” workshop and performance at “Interventions” at Voorkamer Lier,BE. Rik and Peter running interesting shows in this really beautiful old building next to the cathedral in Lier.

“Interventions”, program for 26.05.2007:

17:00 h “WoW” Aram Bartholl Workshop/Performance
18:00 h “The Island” Christian Hasucha Grote Markt Lier.
19:00 h “The German Revenge” Frank Bölter, Grote Markt Lier.
20:00 h Lezing Helmut Dick Heilige Geest site, Heilige Geeststraat 7, Lier.
21:00 h Drinks + food.

H. Geeststraat 7, B-2500 Lier, Belgium

“VOORKAMER is an artist’s initiative concept that was launched by Rik De Boe and Peter Morrens in October 1996 at Lier (Bril 14). VOORKAMER features a range of solo performances of contemporary visual artists from Belgium and abroad, on a yearly basis.

Group exhibitions/projects are moreover organised in various venues as well as teamwork projects with other artists’ initiative concepts. For these specific “extra muros” projects, different exhibition modules are sought such as venues of architectural, historical and/or social interest.”

Written by Aram

May 26th, 2007 at 12:42 pm

WoW on Rocketboom 1.5.2007

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WoW was featured on Rocketboom yesterday. Take a lock here.

Written by Aram

May 2nd, 2007 at 4:19 pm

Posted in press

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