Aram Bartholl – Blog

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Hello World! at 30C3

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I’m very pleased to announce my talk ‘Hello Work!’  at #30C3, the hacker congress by Chaos Computer Club. I love this annual event and I’ve been coming here since end of the 90’s. The congress is the place where I actually started to show my art 10 years ago, a perfect place to test prototype interventions or last minute workshop ideas :)). It is an honor to have the opportunity to present a full length talk with such an exquisite audience in this special year 2013. Thx to the art&beauty team Gregor & Mey!

Hello World!

How to make art after Snowden?

Day 2: 2013-12-28
Start time: 11:30 am


Written by Aram

December 26th, 2013 at 11:16 pm

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