Archive for June, 2009
German Control
(Construction site markup language, found on Weinbergsweg, Berlin.)
Transparent Society
Wall Art
(Conrad Schumann, found at Bernauserst. , Berlin)
WoW Exhibition
I am showing the piece “WoW” at the exhibition “WoW: Emergent Media Phenomenon” Laguna Art Museum, US
June 14 – October 4, 2009.
I’ll run the workshop and performance on 11th of July and will give a lecture on 12th at at Laguna Art Museum.
Today Zeng Han will talk about his work, would love to join. I like his cosplay style SOUL STEALER photo works a lot! (Pic on the left)
Participating artists:
Aram Bartholl (Berlin); Jorg Dubin (Laguna Beach); Alexander Galloway (New York); Jacqueline Goss (New York); Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn, Tale of Tales (Ghent, Belgium); John Klima (Lisbon, Portugal); Cyril Kuhn (Los Angeles); Antoinette LaFarge (Irvine); Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski (Berlin); Robert Nideffer and Alex Szeto (Irvine); Airyka Rockefeller (San Francisco); Eddo Stern (Los Angeles); The Third Faction (Azeroth); and Zeng Han (Guangzhou)
How to fetch an artwork (item) from Berlin (city A) to Essen (city B) as fast as possible for no costs.
How to fetch an artwork (item) from Berlin (city A) to Essen (city B) as fast as possible for no costs from Aram Bartholl on Vimeo.
A million thanks to my studio colleague Holger who made this transaction possible!
Random Screen at C.A.R.
Zeche Zollverein Mischanlage is a great space for exhibitions. Random Screen during C.A.R. last weekend.
“Are you human?”
New project release! Everybody who crossed my path in the last 12 months might have got one of these business cards. Another project which has been in the drawer for a while. “Are you human?” Captcha codes are omnipresent on the web since a while and I loved them from the beginning. In a certain way they tell a lot about our relation to the machine world. And btw, I am waiting for the day when they will be extinct. It’s obvious that software + cpu power will become better in reading these at a certain level. “Hu? … Waht’s that? I can’t read this ….!” And will they return in the era of Blade Runner? ;-)
Enjoy the full story and more pics here!
Dear neighbours,
I love this style of offline communication about online issues. Two girls are kindly asking for wifi access in the neighbourhood. Unfortunately our network is not listed so I can’t help out but who is “Tor zur Welt”, “Nabelschnur” or “Pfefferminz”?
These wifi names feel like a new form of location based, P2P poetry. Let’s go for a walk to read out load some urban poems!
I’ll show Random Screen and On at the media art fair C.A.R. Contemporary Art Ruhr (eng) in Essen, DE on the upcoming weekend 5.-7.6.2009. Anybody interested in tickets for the opening? Feel free to contact me.