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Troll Culture, A comprehensive Guide

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Stefan Krappitz finished his studies with the essay Troll Culture, A comprehensive Guide. It can be read online through a typical imageboard interface. Other options are free PDF dowmlod and print on demand at The book introduces the history of trolling on- and offline and how 4chan, the “best and worst place” on the Internet, became its new incubator. Stefan is brave enough to teach his readers how to be a troll and how to defend yourself against trolls. Stefan gives his definition of what trolling is on page 35:

Trolling is the act of disrupting people for personal amusement or the amusement of many.

This book is required reading for anybody interested in a differentiated discussion of trolling. Forget your prejudices about anonymity, hostility and jerkiness of trolls. Trolling is a art.

YEAHH!! congrats @falkenberg1 !!

Written by Aram

July 14th, 2012 at 3:47 pm

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