Archive for the ‘other projects’ Category
Denkwerk Berlin
Michael Spengler – “Eine Schrippe für die Schrippenkirche” 2005
Street View Patchwork
… love these Street View Patchwork landscapes :) by
“Not By Default”
Not by default – Internet Art aus Berlin
Constant Dullaart (NL)
Ana García-Pineda (ES)
Tobias Leingruber (D)
Jaakko Pallasvuo (FI)
Ignacio Uriarte (D)
Niko Princen (NL)
Eröffnung: Sa 25. August 2012, 15 – 17 Uhr
anschließ. ab 17 Uhr Sommerfest in der Galerie mit Grillen
Ausstellung: 28. August – 22. September 2012
Künstlergespräch während der Berlin Art Week:
Dienstag, 11. September, 19 Uhr
mit den beteiligten Künstlern und Gästen zum Thema:
Post Internet Art, Moderation: Wolf Lieser
iPhone live
iPhone live
by Johannes P Osterhoff
Currently on show at bauer & ewald, Berlin,
iPhone live party upcoming Saturday, 11th 8pm :)
I, Johannes P Osterhoff, shall do another one-year performance piece.
The piece is called “iPhone live” and documents the activities performed on my mobile phone during this year.
Activities can be seen streamed on and on public projections.
The performance shall start on June 29, 2012 and shall end on June 29, 2013.
I shall not use other mobile phones during this year.
Git Art
Pretty clever idea by Raphael to combine the software development platform Github and its repository tools for open source projects with the making and remixing of an art installation. like.
Sculptures conceptualized using a revision control system and represented physically.
by Raphael Bastide
Janet Cardiff – hyper real extended plus ultra
Are you at dOCUMENTA (13) and desperately waiting for one of the iPods to experience the new, beautiful and site specific Janet Cardiff piece? Instead of queuing in line I recommend to take the tour with your own phone while playing this Youtube docu clip of the piece below. It’s super fun and adds and extra layer of confusion to the piece! :)
Janet Cardiff and George BuresMiller – Documenta13, Kassel
‘Alter Bahnhof Video Walk’ 2012
URL Verlängerung
Troll Culture, A comprehensive Guide
Stefan Krappitz finished his studies with the essay Troll Culture, A comprehensive Guide. It can be read online through a typical imageboard interface. Other options are free PDF dowmlod and print on demand at The book introduces the history of trolling on- and offline and how 4chan, the “best and worst place” on the Internet, became its new incubator. Stefan is brave enough to teach his readers how to be a troll and how to defend yourself against trolls. Stefan gives his definition of what trolling is on page 35:
Trolling is the act of disrupting people for personal amusement or the amusement of many.
This book is required reading for anybody interested in a differentiated discussion of trolling. Forget your prejudices about anonymity, hostility and jerkiness of trolls. Trolling is a art.
YEAHH!! congrats @falkenberg1 !!