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Archive for the ‘3d’ tag


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(Someone in our studio is working on 3D …. :-)

Written by Aram

June 14th, 2010 at 12:30 pm

Posted in pic of the day

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The Product Bay

with 2 comments

Hey !

I need the data for this front seat lever, Volkswagen Golf II (1990) . I want to print it to replace the missing lever on the other side. No such 3D file on 3DWarehouse or Thingiverse.   Do I have to draw it myself now?
@bre , we need more, bigger and faster makerbots!
Could someone please tell the automotive industry it is about time to go Open Source? Otherwise they’ll face the same fate as music and movie industry.

(… ahh, nice! VW missed to run some security patches on their databases.

It’ll be all online soon! haha …)

Written by Aram

January 6th, 2010 at 11:43 am

Posted in pic of the day

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