Aram Bartholl – Blog

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Archive for the ‘spectrial’ tag

P2P Kopimi

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I am not the advocate of typical “Flachware” but combined with a USB stick copy bridge it makes a lot of sence to me. :-) Will think about producing more paintings with download option. I just released a brief documentation about the “Pirate 2 Pirate Kopimi Station” on

By the way, the offline crowd already knows (most of them).
They all got RickRoll’d … ;-D

Written by Aram

February 23rd, 2009 at 4:29 pm

Posted in pic of the day

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The Piratebay will be on trial next monday. There is a special page with all info and anouncements . The creative captioned kopimi series is quite funny. We want more ….

Written by Aram

February 12th, 2009 at 9:48 pm

Posted in uncategorized

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